Sunday, September 20, 2015

Mon Bouquet du jour

A lovely group of people, from the Museum of Fine Arts Department, Salt Lake City

stopped by to see the house and gardens

and my hand painted ceramics displayed in a handsome wooden plate rack carved by my very own Mr G.

 Pasha elected to stay in the Library.

Our chickens never made an appearance.

Clyde, Hansel and Lola came out of the pond for a little while.

No one saw the juvenile owl.

The ducks took cover in the tall grasses. 

Lucy loves everyone and she was everywhere amongst the visitors.  



grapes and 

Plums were ready for the picking.

The sun was shining, the last roses brightened the day.  

Have a great week ahead.  
Thank you for stopping by.
Your visits are always so appreciated. 



  1. Dear Gina,
    you had a busy summer at your house and I am sure the many visitors found plenty to admire at your Villa in the Country. We hardly had any grapes at all this year, not even for the Robins, and the plants have already lost all the leaves. I always admire the plate rack with your lovely plates.
    Greetings from Texas, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,
      It has been a little crazy around here. Getting ready for a big trip is now on my mind. But before we leave there are still many vegetables and fruits to preserve. I know that I will not get all of it accomplished and hoping that when we return, not all of it will be frozen.
      Thank you for your visit and thank you also for leaving a comment.
