Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Room at the top.

Everything is out in the open and ready to use.  

I may need a chair to reach the assorted goodies but there they are, handy and convenient. 

Just the other day the cucumbers and beets were growing in my kitchen garden. 

One from Italy, the next (in the back) from Spain and a jug I painted.  All ready to hold another bunch of country flowers. 

 One from Mexico, one from Portugal and one more from Italy.

Almost all of them from Portugal, Italy and Spain.  
There is a foreigner amongst them.  A spode plate from England.  The one that I like to use for hors-doeuvres
Have you spotted it? 

Albarelli (Apothecary jars) from Italy, 
They hold flower seeds I gather at the end of the Summer.  

No kitchen is without pasta and flour.  

What do you do with the space above your kitchen cabinets?

Have a great week dear friends.



  1. Gina, the colors, shapes and light in these photographs combine beautifully together. The decoratively labeled jars are brilliant!

    Each of your shelves holds wonderful vessels and it's fun to learn their differing provenance stories.

    I laughed at you question about kitchen shelves and cabinets. This sort of gracious arrangement does not exist in the little alcove that is my kitchen. However, I am fortunate to have a tall shelving feature that towers over a butcher's block table in my little living room. The tower was designed and built for me by my late father many decades ago. It hold lots of my antique and vintage china.


    1. Dear Frances, How lucky you are to have a shelving unit built by your father. Why don't you share the content with us? I love antique and vintage china.
      Since I have always loved hand painted ceramics I have collected them from many trips. I like having a reason to walk into a shop and look for another treasure.

  2. Dear Gina,

    I am really attracted to the albarelli, and always have been (and I'm glad to know the proper name now). I'm guessing that apothecaries in the Mediterranean countries still use them, though they look so exotic to us. I could see creating a smaller set of these to use for bathroom supplies.

    1. Dear Mark, How nice to hear from you. We miss you. And you are correct. Should you walk into a Apothecary in Italy you will be in for a wonderful surprise. You will see many beautiful Albarelli on the top shelves, all in a row. Sometimes you might even run into a very old Albarello. They usually do not have lids but in past times they used a piece of thin leather tied on with a string.
      And no, you don't sound sacrilegious. Mine hold all kinds of unrelated items. It is wonderful to have objects you love nearby.

  3. Dear Gina,
    you have a way to display your treasures beautifully all around you, even on the jars of preserved beets. It looks like a labor of love. My cabinets have no room at the top as they all reach the ceiling.
    Have a great week, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Having cabinets that reach all the way to the top is such a good idea. I think of that everytime I bring everything down to clean. In an active kitchen, like mine, that has to happen at least twice a year.

  4. The Spode plate has to be the third from the right! I know English china patterns quite well as my mother worked in a china shop for several years! Such a magnificent collection Gina - love all the jugs and Albarelli jars. . . . . but must admit the tureens/covered vegetable bowls have to be my favorites. Mine are all white or cream but I love them - my cabinets go all the way to the ceiling so they sit in the bookshelves on each side of the fireplace. People - usually men - ask why I have so many tureens and I try to explain it's a collection - most of course just don't 'get it', LOL!!!!!

    Your busy canning days look most exciting - those labels (your art I know) are exceptional. You always amaze me with everything you do in your beautiful home - I really hope to come some day soon!
    Warmest hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, I know that you also can the fruits of your labor from your garden. I can see you using your beautiful photographs for labels. With a little editing the labels can be little artworks and make your canned goods special. I usually print 8 labels on one sheet and glue them on with Elmers Glue.
      I also love using my tureens...they have held flowers, plants, ice, soups and whatever else I can think of at the moment. A visit from you is such a lovely idea.
      Enjoy your trip to France. Can't wait to see the photos.

  5. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je suis éblouie par toutes cette magnifique collection... Des formes, des couleurs fascinantes.
    Je suis également très attirée par vos jolies conserves !... Il est tellement bon de les retrouver au cours de l'année. En ce moment je fais beaucoup de confitures...

    Gros bisous ♡

    1. Bonjour chere amie Martinealison. You always leave such flattering comments and I am so pleased to receive them. Thank you for your visits.
