Friday, November 20, 2015

Thanksgiving and Christmas without candles?

Oh no.

Shall we make them special? 

Why not add a little gold.

You will need a few sheets of gold leaf and a bottle of 
size (glue).

All available in any craft store. 

Size (rabbit skin glue) comes in small bottles. 

  Pour a small amount of glue into a plastic container.

Brush on glue to lower part of candle. 
Wait about 30 minutes until glue is slightly tacky. 
Stays tacky for several hours.  

Lay gold leaf sheets onto candle. 
Polish with soft cloth or sheepskin.

While you wait for the glue to dry on candles why not gild a few's the same technique. 

After gilding the candle you can scribe a scrolling pattern into the goldleaf with the handle of a paint brush.  

See how special. A few candles with gold leaf, a few pomanders,  and fresh greens and a centerpiece is born.  

Have I convinced you yet?

Thank you dear friends for stopping by.  I am always so happy to hear from you.  



  1. Oh yes, I'm convinced dear creative Gina! The scribing pattern done with the paintbrush is beautiful.

    I loved doing the acorns last time you shared - now I think the candles are stunning. Do you think we could do the gold leaf on the battery operated wax candles also? I have purchased many of those the past few years as they are safe and look quite authentic, although of course they don't burn down and give you those pretty uneven edges. I have all sizes. I think it would work don't you? I must get my candles out and give it a go. Later, closer to Christmas, I plan to make some pomanders too - they always look lovely and smell so good around the house.

    Happy weekend - and may you enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday next week. We all have so much to be thankful for.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, I am so delighted to hear that you gold leafed your acorns.
      The gold leaf on the battery operated candles would work. However, you wouldn't be able to scribe through the gold leaf to make the patterns. It needs the soft candle behind the gold leaf to scribe through it and produce a soft and even pattern. I'm also wondering if you can use your candles without them looking scratched once the gold leaf starts wearing off, and it will. Of course you can always add another layer of gold leaf right on top of the old.

      Yes, pomanders are a must. I even like working on them because they fill the house with such fabulous Christmas smells.
      And yes, we all have so much to be thankful for.
      Wishing you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving Holiday.

  2. Gina, I am well into my own seasonal preparations, with my watercolor painted Christmas tea cup cards. I love taking my time to paint each one, while wondering if I will finish this year's vintage in time to mail them!

    Those gilded acorns are beautiful...and the mention of pomaanders has also gotten my attention.

    Happy Thanksgiving! xo

    1. Dear Frances, Will you share a photo of your hand painted Christmas cards with us? I know very well how you might be worried if you can finish them all and also get them mailed in time. For many years I painted individual Christmas cards. People are still telling me how they looked forward to receiving them. Some of them even ended up being framed and hung in their homes.
      Hopefully, you also have time to make a few pomanders. Nothing says holidays like the sweet and aromatic scent of spiced pomanders.

    2. Gina, of course, I will share a photo of one of these teacup cards. I think that if you click way, way back in my blog archives,you might just see some pictures of teacups from Christmastime's past. I do love painting them, and am not surprised to learn that you've done the same.


    3. Wonderful Frances. Can't wait to see them.

  3. Dear Gina - your gold-leaf work is always so attractive to see and adds that little je ne sais quoi to your Christmas decoration preparations. I am heading away for Christmas but will hopefully give the acorns a try next year.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Somehow Christmas and gold decorations just go together. Can't wait to find out where you will be going for Christmas. I hope that you will share with us your always so fabulous photos.

  4. Dear Gina,
    it is adorable how you always find a way to make even simple things golden and it adds so much glamour to the decoration. I do not have the patience and all my acorns big and small are as natural as they were when Daahling surprised me with them. In the meantime I enjoy very much looking at yours.
    Warm Texas greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I have you and Dahling to thank for my precious acorns. They are "Texas" size and so worthy of being guilded. You are right in that they also look fantastic in their natural state. I have always loved acorns, in every form. And so it is that I want to thank you for your generous gift.

  5. I love the idea of using gold leaf on the acorns, will be giving that a try as I've got a bag full of acorns to feed the squirrels but I'm sure they won't miss one or two.

    1. Lucky you Linda. You already have the acorns. That's half of the battle. Thank you for your visit.

  6. Hello, what a creative idea. The acorns and candle are so pretty. Love the gold color. Thanks for sharing! Happy Monday, enjoy your week ahead!

    1. Thank you Eileen, A little gold never hurts. It makes everything look special.

  7. Oh yes, you've completely convinced me. Just beautiful! Why is it called rabbit skin glue? I especially like those acorns.

    1. Helly Cranberry, A long time ago this particular glue (size) was made from rabbit skin. Not to worry, the recipe has changed.
      Thank you for stopping by.

  8. Oh yes, you've completely convinced me. Just beautiful! Why is it called rabbit skin glue? I especially like those acorns.

    1. Hello Cranberry, Acorns are very easy to cover with gold leaf. Buy the inexpensive kind in Craft Stores sold as Metal leaf. And by the way, no rabbits are losing their skin.

  9. We found some huge acorns awhile back. I love this idea and would like to try it. Candles are always beautiful in our homes in the winter months! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Lavender Dreamer. Large acorns are especially pretty when gilded. Hope you give them a try.

  10. Replies
    1. Hello Jackie and Joel, Take yourself to the craft store and candles and gold leaf will be waiting for you. Large acorns may be a little more difficult to find. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment.

  11. Stunning and you make it look so easy!

    1. It is easy Donna. After you paint on the glue make sure that you wait for it to the tacky stage. If you don't the gold will turn an ugly color. I appreciate you visit and thank you for leaving a comment.

  12. Replies
    1. Hello Judith, Next time you see a few acorns why not pick them up. You never know...
