Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you a great day with Family and Friends.

We are having Duck a l'Orange.

What are you having today?

Whatever it is, I know that it will be delicious.  



  1. Wishing you both a Happy Thanksgiving Gina and enjoy your Duck a l'Orange

    1. Dear Rosemary,Thank You. The duck was the best ever and so were all of the side dishes, the vegetables picked at their peak from our garden and preserved for the winter.

  2. How lovely that you have a South African protea as part of your celebrations! I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving, Gina.
    Karen xx

    1. Dear Karen, I love proteas. You almost need nothing else to make a statement. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving and thank you for stopping by.

  3. Gostei de visitar o blog tem belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

    1. Hello Francisco, Your kind words are very much appreciated. Thank you for your visit.

  4. Dear Gina,
    To put aside a special day once a year to celebrate the abundance of everything we have in this great land is a wonderful tradition. I love Thanksgiving Day and spent it happily with a great big Turkey.
    Warm greetings from wet Texas, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I agree with you in that Thanksgiving is a wonderful tradition. It is so nice to celebrate with family and friends. A time to catch up with everyone and make plans for the next celebration.

  5. Oh the flowers are glorious and Duck with orange sauce sounds so delicious.
    We have the traditional roasted turkey and I prepare my mothers recipe for homemade sage dressing, using the Herbs of Provence, as well. There is cranberry relish, candied yams, roasted Brussels sprouts, and corn pudding. I always do a Thanksgiving Day brunch and then we head out to one of our daughter's homes for dinner. I then do a small dinner as I have mentioned above just for the husby and me on Friday and we can then have plenty of leftovers~

    1. Dear Mary, Your Thanksgiving sounds almost like ours except for the duck/turkey exchange. We even include brussel sprouts. But no corn pudding (which I am very curious about). Maybe you will share your recipe.
      Our duck dinner turned out just right, roasted to perfection. To make sure that it was tender and juiy I stuffed it with apples. We have been eating leftovers ever since and today, whatever is left, will go into a soup.
