Sunday, November 29, 2015

What do you think?

Is it time to get into the Christmas spirit?

And create a few masterpieces.

No talent required, just a little white glue and thin paper napkins.

After gluing paper onto glass balls I've added a few painted dots. 

Most paper napkins can be separated into thin layers, the thinner, the better. 

Tear paper napkins into small and irregular pieces and glue onto glass or plastic balls, covering every inch.  

When dry, spray with a little sealer.  

Plastic balls (available in craft stores this time of year) are more practical.  

You can also paint them.  With acrylic paints.  I'll show you how in a few days.  

Now is a good time to head to your craft store.  
Clear Balls are only available this time of year.  

Happy creating, 


  1. Dear Gina - you have created little pieces of magic out of glue, tissue paper, plastic balls, and a touch of paint♡

    1. Dear Rosemary, These decorations are soooo easy to make. They also make great gifts.

  2. Gina, I am now hoping that after I've gotten my lengthening list of pre-Christmas projects completed, and some of them actually mailed, I will find the time to explore this technique. I am very intriguiged. (I'm also glad to have added a Christmas cactus to my living room's window sill today, and looking forward to some Advent calendar window opening tomorrow.)


    1. Dear Frances, That's right, it was the first advent last Sunday. I still like Advent calendars. It was always so exciting when I was small. I especially liked those that had a piece of chocolate in the 24th of December window.
      Sounds like you are already well prepared for Christmas.

  3. I've done nothing Christmassy yet - other than write some cards which need to go overseas this week.
    I think this will be a low key Christmas here - each year it seems to get quieter as family members want to distance themselves and do their own thing. Quite honestly it's fine with me because I do not enjoy sitting about while 90% of the people around you are on phones or tablets! I want interesting conversation that doesn't involve having to get my reading glasses out to be able to look at small screens and tiny type constantly pushed in my face! We'd leave town but can't think of where to go - we have traveled a lot this year and just really want to relax in front of the fire and enjoy the peace and quiet. We must sound like we're boring and getting old - the second statement is correct, the first I don't think we ever are, and our friends agree even if our family doesn't, LOL!!!!!

    Beautiful ornaments Gina - you have such great ideas for quite inexpensive lovelies - thank you so much.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, We live in such a small community, where most people work hard on their farms. They don't have time to play and text on computers. They only use phones when they need to organize some kind of a round up. For entertainment I watched a few thousand sheep get nearer and nearer our vegetable patch yesterday. My patch where we have ensconced leeks and beets in warm leafy beds to dig out during winter months. The sheep have moved on but something interesting is bound to happen today or tomorrow.
      If it wasn't so cold and bleak (no flowers this time of year) around here I would invite you to come for a visit. We could sit around the fire with a little Glüwein and we could remiss about the good ole days.

    2. Ah how lovely that would be Gina. We do so hope to meet up some day in the near future - I'm sure the natural beauty of your area is lovely at any time of year - and the companionship over a glass of wine would always be wonderful so matter the weather.

      Here's to 2016 - may life become brighter and safer for us all.
      Love, Mary

    3. Dear Mary, The invitation is open any time. And yes, brighter and safer for us all.
