Thursday, January 28, 2016

Have you noticed?

That you are losing your "Followers"  

Don't be sad  (you are still loved). 

Don't tear out your hair.  

It's a "Blogger Thing"

It has something to do with Blogger Profiling and the number 300.  

Be well,



  1. I noticed that yesterday...I had lost between 15 and 18 followers in the past week or so. I took care of the problem by deleting the whole follower thing. Maybe my blog will load faster for some of my readers!

    1. Hello Marigene, There is an explanation. My friend Mary of "A Breath of Fresh Air" sent me a link that explains the problem. Look below for an answer in my reply to Rosemary.

  2. Yes, another step in Google's plan to take over the world!!!!!
    Their formal notice to us these past few weeks is self-explanatory - well kind of in a roundabout way - but I'm not planning to change anything. Perhaps Bloglovin' is the way to go - I actually prefer looking at all the thumbnails of blog posts which open up via that following option.

    I've lost some this past week too - then the number goes up for a day or so, then down again - who knows?
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, Thank you for your e-mail. Because of your help I have made a minor change. However, in the larger picture I will probably continue as I have. I will see how it goes and make adjustments as is needed. In the meantime, I prefer this format for now.

  3. I am relieved to learn that I am not the only one Gina - I got three new ones, and then lost about 25.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Our friend Mary of "A Breath of Fresh Air" sent me this very helpful link.!topic/blogger/pky-ZMYcM_g

      It will explain the problem and maybe even give a solution. In the meantime we will probably lose more Followers.

    2. Thank you for that helpful link Gina - how many followers I have does not concern me but I would not like to loose the ones that I am in regular contact with. I wouldn't know how to inform those that have been deleted because I have no way of knowing who they are. Since you wrote your post I have seen several others, some people are very upset and even thinking of abandoning their blog.

    3. Dear Rosemary, That was my first reaction...maybe it's time to stop blogging. We all know how time consuming blogging is and sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't be spending my time in more productive ways.

      But then I would miss my blogging friends---lovely ladies like yourself.

  4. Thank you Gina,
    I have for some time blocked people who follow me and never say a word. I find this incredible.
    I like and enjoy, to stay in touch with my favorite blogs and people that comment.. thats what its all about.. (i think)..
    I am also now on Instagram and I like it.. its easy ... a few blogging friends over there.
    I will continue to post .. not as often, as life takes up more time, as we get older.
    I look forward to seeing your lovely spring garden and your pond with your ducks.. always happy to visit you.
    please dont go.. love val .xxxx happy weekend.

    1. Dear Val, Your first line is a little confusing. Are you saying that you are blocking Readers who visit your site?
      What is happening to some of our blogs is that Blogger is deleting our Followers. I don't know if they have a method, i.e., older first, etc.
      I do enjoy keeping in touch. Every time you post about your beautiful country (as you did today) I want to hop on a plane and head for Portugal.

  5. Dearest Gina ,I am sorry this is not the better post that I must comment to your blog .... I am old follower of you , I read you many times but I never had the courage to write here... About the followers ,I lost sixteen in a week and I thought that they don't like me ..... My first thought was to stop blogging ,because I am not interesting or something else ..The problem is that I don't know who are they and I don't want to loose my best friends . I wish to you a happy weekend !

    1. Dear Olympia, I am so delighted that you have commented on my blog post. I am sure that Blogger is going to lose many Bloggers. I don't know how it will impact all of us who like to keep in touch with friends we have had for many years. I am hoping that they will all find their way back to us.
      Installing an e-mail gadget (see above) is very easy and may give your friends a way to be part of your world again.
