Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Waiting for Spring

It will be a while .

Knowing that my Snowdrops and Hellebore are waiting makes me happy. 

Pansies were planted last Fall.  They will be the first to bloom. 

Friends brought lemons from their grove in California.

 Jonquils will make an appearance soon. 

A lot of snow will have to melt first. 

Our mountains have received record amounts of snow. 
Our Farmers are happy. There will be plenty of water for animals and crops. 

Wishing you a great week ahead. 



  1. I know that when Spring arrives with you Gina it all happens very quickly.
    Apparently our snowdrops and Hellebores are nearly a month early this year.
    We have had no snow in my corner of the world, but anything could happen at this time of year.

    1. Dear Rosemary, I would be so thrilled to have an extended growing season as you have. Spring comes late and winter comes early around here. I shouldn't complain because warmer weather is not far from our house...we can always take a drive to Arizona or California.

  2. Dear Gina,
    Anticipating the renewal of life under so much snow must give you the inspiration for seeking beauty elsewhere, or rather, for creating it for yourself and others in your lovely ceramics.
    Many hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, What a lovely comment. I thank you for your sweet compliment.

  3. Mermaids with snowdrops - how fabulous!
    Lovely photos Gina - and I wish had had friends bearing fresh picked lemons visiting me!!!

    That's a lot of snow but as you say, the earth will be grateful come Spring and Summer. Beautiful scene.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, It is only a days drive from our house to our friends' house where the citrus trees are laden with sweet smelling blossoms and ripe fruit ready to pick. Sometimes I think that California has it all, including a beautiful ocean to admire. It also has a lot of people...too many for me. So, I will stay put and patiently wait for Spring to come.

  4. Last weekend's huge snowfall is just about gone already. At the farmers market today, I saw some beautiful, fragile anemomes for sale. They were grown in a greenhouse, but just gave everyone passing by a springtime hint.


    1. Dear Frances, You were brave to go out into the snow the other day. Your new snow boots must have given you the courage to go for a walk so that you could share all of those lovely photos with us.
      I love anemones. All of mine have turned into a pink strain. I must look for a few new white plants because it is those which I like best.
