Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Sun was shining, the snow was perfect.

 The Haflingers, "Hit and Run"

were raring to go. 

Oops, his hairdo collapsed but he has no trouble seeing.  "Run" is used to having his mane draped over his eyes. 

Jingle bells never sounded sweeter. 

Almost forgot the horse hair plumes.  

All aboard, Tennessee knows how to talk to his horses, and to his mules.  For years he has made little boys and little girls (and many  adults) happy by taking them for rides winter and summer.  
Tennessee is our local "horse whisperer" and we are so lucky that he lives in our community. 

Thank you M'lisa and Craig for providing your beautifully restored antique sleigh. 

Off we go.  

Haflingers, also known as Avelignese, are a breed of horses developed in Austria and Italy.  They were first introduced in the Middle Ages.  Their ancestors come from the foothills of the Alps of  Austria and Italy, the area known as the Südtirol.  Haflingers  are known for their energetic but smooth and elegant gate. 

All Haflingers can trace their lineage back to "Folie" (born in 1874) through one of seven bloodlines.  

Our friend Craig, who loves carriages and owns many, made it all happen.  
Thank you Craig for giving us such a special day to start out the New Year.  



  1. Dear Gina,
    So glad everything came together so beautifully for this magical sleigh ride. Love your great photos and the landscape in the background, like a real Winter Wonderland. Pssst!The lady in the fur coat must be you!? Regal!
    Thank you for an uplifting post on this sunny Sunday.
    Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, It was the perfect day. A hot chocolate kind of day. Yes, that is I or is it me.

  2. Wonderful pictures of the snowride. We love Haflingers!

    1. Dear Janneke, How interesting that you know the Haflinger breed. This is the first time that I was introduced to them. They were such happy little fellows and so willing to keep on going to give everyone a great day.

  3. I have just been watching a new serial here - War and Peace, and your troika style sledge with horses would not look out of place on the set.
    You must all have had a wonderful time - is that you in the black hat Gina looking exquisitely attired for the occasion?

    1. Dear Rosemary, We all did have a wonderful time. Now that you mention it the sleigh does look a lot like a troika style sleigh. I will have to check into its provenance. It was purchased in New York state and brought to Utah only a couple of years ago.
      Yes, that is your blogging friend in the sleigh, waiting for Mr G to make up his mind if he wants to come along or not.

  4. Definitely a 'Dr. Zhivago' moment - and you playing the lovely Julie Christie role! Oh that movie and the Russian winter scenery, it has stuck in my memory forever, yet still I watch it again now and then for its beauty and sadness. The ending always makes me cry. What a fabulous time you must have had with friends and neighbors - big kids all - playing in the spectacular snow. Such handsome horses - the men aren't bad either, haha! Love the sleigh bells, and is that a stone farm house in the background of the third pic Gina?
    What a fun way to start a new year - may it be the best ever for you, Gene and your farming friends.
    Hugs - Mary

  5. Dear Mary, Like you I was almost obsessed with Dr Zhivago. The snow, the music, the love story...and what about that huge expanse of Daffodils?
    The house in the background is a new house erected by Anabaptists from Texas. The spine of the house was built from timbers from an old barn salvaged and rebuilt in Spring City.

  6. Gina, those Haflingers are such beautiful horses, and clearly your friend Craig loves and cares for them very well.

    I could hear the jingle bells ringing on those snow rides!

    Suddenly, NYC has turned very, very cold. Below freezing. Traveling on the subway trains is not at all the same as the sleigh rides you've shown us.


  7. Dear Frances, If I were in the market to buy a horse it would be a Haflinger. They have the sweetest temperament, they are strong and agile and fast. No wonder the people of the Südtyrol are still using them to help with farm work.
    Your temperatures are dropping and we are seeing slightly warmer weather, yet still freezing. We all have yet to see more winter weather. Are you getting a lot of compliments wearing your beautiful and colorful hats, scarves and gloves?

  8. This is so magical! I am fascinated with snow(living in Texas). It is a rarity for me to have any at home.

    1. Dear Theresa, We are getting a lot of snow. It is appreciated by our Farmers and Ranchers.
      Hope you are having a good beginning of 2016 and I wish you health and happiness for the new year.

  9. Aren't they not beautiful ! Love Haflinger!
    Wonderful and very atmospheric post, dear Gina.
    Herzlichen Gruss, karin

    1. Dear Karin, I haven't heard. Are you having snow in your area? I can imagine the fields near your house looking all pristine and white. And your sunsets must be spectacular.
      Wishing you health and happy days ahead.
