Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring, as usual

will be a little late around here.

There are Hellebore blooming in my garden. 
But that is all.  

But there are Cacti blooming in my greenhouse.

I didn't used to like them

I wonder if this big fellow will ever bloom and if so, what will it look like.  

If you take them out of a small pot and move them into a large container, they become giants.  

Like this one.  

It looks like every cabbage seed has germinated. 

The other side of the greenhouse holds my 20 year old geraniums.

Soon my Daffodils will bloom again.  

Then, I will celebrate Spring.  

Have a great week dear friends. 



  1. Gina, ir looks like your cactus plants definitely have greeted spring! I find cactus plants quite interesting, like little (or not so little) sculptures, and having them actually produce flowers is another plus. Wow!

    I think it's about time for me to repot a couple of my own little cacti. I don't expect any flowers, but do wish to treat the plants kindly.

    Thank goodness we escaped the snow that had been predicted for last night. Now we just need to warm the air up a bit. xo

    1. Dear frances, I like how you described cacti...little sculptures. That is exactly what they look like to me, as well. You never know, you might see a few blooms if you repot them and most importantly, place them in a very sunny window.

    2. Thanks for the encouragement, Gina. I did repot my little cactus plants yesterday. Sadly I don't think my south facing window actually gets enough sun...but I remain hopeful of seeing a cactus bloom some day. xo

  2. A great week to you Gina!

    Your flowers are lovely, perfect for the first week of spring.

    1. Hello Maywyn, Wishing you a great week as well. We are back to winter which actually is a good thing. This way our fruit trees will take a little longer to develop their beautiful blooms.

  3. Dear Gina - Your succulent Aeoniums are flowering spectactularly - I too have a large sprouting plant, not the same as yours, but similar, and I am also wondering if it will produce a flower for me.

    1. Dear Rosemary, I have noticed that my cacti will only bloom in the Spring, when the days are getting longer and when the trapped heat of the sun in my greenhouse really elevates the temperatures.
      How nice it would be if your cactus produces flowers.

  4. Dear Gina,
    your greenhouse pleasures are manifold. I had no idea you also keep succulents there. All your plants always look
    so healthy thanks to your green thumb. We had a pretty cold morning but it is warming up under a blue sky.
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,
      My greenhouse is a wonderful place for me to visit in the long winter months. Remember the lily you sent 3 years ago, I have kept it in the greenhouse and it is , for the first time, showing a lot of new growth.
      Who knows?

  5. Gina I have created a painting based on one of your photos of parrot tulips. I would like your permission to use your image in this way. I would like to enter my painting in the 2016 San Diego county fair fine arts juried show. I am an amateur painter, do not plan sell the painting I have given it to my 94 year old mother. There is no monetary prize given in the show. Thank you Bonnie Wood

    1. Hello Bonnie, You are welcome to use my tulip photo. I do appreciate you asking for permission. I think that I can guess which of the tulip photos you are painting. I would love to see the finished painting.

  6. Replies
    1. Dear Mary, You are always so very generous with your compliments. Thank you for your friendship. Have a really wonderful week.

  7. Such lovelies growing and blooming the greenhouse Gina - amazing that you have kept geraniums growing all those years!
    Cacti seem very popular again, especially with young people I notice. Evenly granddaughters love them.
    Here's to your soon to be bursting out daffodils - happy Spring time my dear. We had a cold snap last night but hopefully the blossoms have not suffered.

    Off to Missouri this afternoon - odd weather expected there - very cold then very warm with lots of wind, and thundershowers on Thurs. - so packing layers and waterproof suede booties, haha!
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, If anyone knows how to pack for a trip it is you. Layering is the secret to a successful trip. I wish what to pack for a trip is all I am worried about. Our tickets have been purchased for an upcoming trip to Europe and the world gets more dangerous all the time.
      I have noticed the same thing...every garden shop has a special table with unusual cacti. I also noticed that the cacti are getting "friendlier looking".
