Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What makes these Goose Eggs extra special?


Would you like a dozen or so. 

Lola has just begun laying eggs.
(The egg in front is an ordinary chicken egg). 

No, this is not the story of the "Goose that laid the golden egg." 

You can even paint them. 

Every color of the rainbow if you like.  

Lola and Clyde were a very shy pair when they first came to our pond.  

I would love to watch both of them as parents of a dozen or so goslings.  

But we have a problem, Raccoons will kill her trying to get to her eggs and to her.  

Clyde will try and protect her but he is no match to a raccoon. 

Let me know if you are interested. 



  1. What a shame Gina that Lola and Clyde cannot fulfil their destiny and give you some fluffy little goslings. Raccoons are pretty little things but I know that they have a passion for sucking out eggs.

    1. Dear Rosemary, We have had some very sad and disappointing events with our ducks and geese trying to raise a brood. I wish you could see our Raccoons. They are not pretty and they are definitely not little. They are larger than the average dog with huge claws. Not only do they wait until the eggs are getting ready to hatch (they can smell the little ones) they also eviscerate the female while she is trying to protect her nest.
      But I do agree, when they are very small, Raccoons are very cute.

    2. They sound like 'little devils' Gina not the cute little masked face things I had thought.

  2. Oh no, dear Gina, is Easter just around the corner? First we have an early spring and now Easter is almost here.
    I am so into the primaries and caucuses of the presidential campaign going on in the country that I do not even know what time of day it is. You would think that I am running for office myself, Ha Ha Ha.................
    Love those eggs you painted with nail polish, if I remember correctly.
    Hope spring will show up soon where you are, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, You remember correctly, those large eggs were painted with nail polish floating on top of water. I am tempted to try a new color combination, something like Carrera marble might be interesting.
      Spring has not sprung yet in our neck of the woods. My Daffodils are showing only green so far. But soon there will be Spring, joyous Spring.

  3. Excelente trabalho e belas fotografias.
    Um abraço.

    1. Hello Francisco, Thank you for your lovely compliment. Thank you also for your visit. have a great week.

  4. Replies
    1. Dear Maywyn, In the twenty plus years we have lived here we have watched female Mallard ducks disappear in great numbers. It is all because they are such dedicated mothers that they have become so vulnerable. We have captured over 630 raccoons. We have no pheasants or any other ground bird. All because of the introduction of raccoons of more than 30 years ago.
