Saturday, April 9, 2016

Mon Bouquet du Jour

Just picked

My suitcase is packed.

My Daffodils will go on blooming without me. 

Have a great weekend dear friends. 



  1. So happy with those gorgeous photos that make my whole being smile! Happy comeback to Europe!

    1. Dear Olympia, I am so pleased that my Daffodils made you smile. Maybe it's because they bloom so early in the year and that they have such happy colors, that they have that affect on everyone. +

  2. I am glad that you have managed to see and enjoy some of your daffodils Gina before you depart. Happy days♡

    1. Dear Rosemary, I think that I will have a few Pheasant Eye Narcissus blooming when I return. They are the late bloomers and judging by their greens there should be plenty of them.

  3. Gina, have a grand time in Italy. I await your beautiful photographs and reporting of sights and ... food!


    1. Dear Frances, Thank you for your good wishes. There should be plenty to see and photograph. Thanks to Rosemary's (above) recommendation I am taking a camera that weighs very little and takes great shots.

  4. Yes, know what you mean about a lightweight camera for travel. I've just about given up using the heavy, bulky DSLR (Canon 7D), much too cumbersome. Plus, as I only really use it on auto (no patience these days to learn the intricacies of manual), I so enjoy the easiness of the newer point and shoot small cameras which can be tucked into a handbag - and they do take great pix.

    Beautiful daffs and narcissi- hope the late-bloomers will welcome you home again after the wonderful trip to Italy.

    Love the paint color/finish on those pretty drawers Gina - did you paint them yourself?

    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, Rosemary of Where Five Valleys Meet, recommended the Sony Cubershot WX 350. I am very pleased with it especially for travel. When at home I still switch cameras.
      When we built our house, 20 years ago, we were very involved. I painted all of the walls and my kitchen cabinets. I painted the cabinets with three different layers of glaze. I wanted a celadon. I started with a Danish blue and added 2 more and different colors in green. Using the glaze from Pratt and Lambert turned out to be a good choice. My kitchen cabinets have held up well. A lot of cooking and entertaining goes on in my kitchen.

  5. Dear Gina,
    your wonderful Daffodils are a sure sign that spring has finally arrived.
    Have a safe and happy journey with Mr.G.and I will be looking forward to great posts about your adventures.
    Lots of hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Spring is just beginning to show itself. By the time we return everything will be out in leaf and blossom. Something to look forward to when we get home.
      I'm ready and so is my chauffeur.

  6. Hello Maywyn, thank you for your visit and thank you also for leaving a comment. It is so appreciated.
