Wednesday, July 6, 2016


The garden is growing

and here is proof

Swiss Chard Bright Lights showing off. 

 Kale, Swiss Chard, Arugula, Basil, Collards, Tomato and Onions Quiche.
Beat eggs with cream and pour over steamed vegetables. Add tomato slices, crisp bacon pieces.  Add a little cheese on top and bake @ 325 until lightly browned on edges (about an hour) 

No recipe necessary, just add ingredients in the order in which you like them and in the amounts you like. 

Our geese have been on midnight raids.  Had to cover the Italian Parsley with chicken wire. 

Makes me wonder why they like only the Italian Parsley. 
A couple of weeks ago they went after the newly planted sage.

My neighbor, "Kissin Kate" would like to have a stomp through my garden.  
She is the one who abandoned her newborn.  
I'm still bottle feeding her calf Liesel who is doing splendidly.  

Did you know that female cows also have horns? 

These Tuberous Begonias are amazing. They are more than 10 years old.  

Just before a severe frost they go under a bench in the greenhouse where they go completely dormant. 

They have never been out of their clay pots and they have never been fertilized. 
Go figure.  

The flower pots are doing well. 

My rose bushes are a most pitiful sight. 

But I have been able to coax a few bouquets out of one else can grow roses in this high desert climate.  

What we do have, are the bluest of skies. 

Have a great remainder of the week dear friends,



  1. Your flower pots are looking very bright and pretty and well dead headed too. The veges look very lush and tempting - not wonder something wants to nibble them.
    Quiche is an all time favourite with me.

    1. Hello Ali, You must be an avid gardener. You noticed that I dead head my flowers. It's an old habit that has paid off. Thank you for your visit.

  2. Wow Gina, how wonderfully your flowers and veg are doing! On my own farmers market visit this morning, I found all sorts of delicious produce, and had to remember to only buy as much I might be able to use before my next market visit.

    It was suddenly quite hot and humid, with just a little bit of a breeze, so that was another reason not to take too long in my seeing what was on offer at my favorite farm stands. Your multi-veg quiche looks fantastic! When it comes to anything besides baking, I rarely use's so much fun to experiment. Usually works out just fine.

    How amazing how your begonias spend their winters and then just return to their flowering ways when summer arrives. have the touch! xo

    1. Dear Frances, Have you noticed that you can fill a pot to the top with Greens and they cook down to very little.
      You are so right. It is much more fun to be a little adventurous and create a few dishes that are your very own. It makes for a few pleasant surprises but also a failure or two from which you can always learn.
      My begonias are always a surprise. They die down to nothing during the winter months. I have to mark the pots so that I remember to start watering them about March. They immediately start growing and soon after throw copious blossoms.

    2. Gina, I think your begonias are really happy with their annual routine in and out of your greenhouse. The balance seems to suit you both! xo

  3. How bountiful and pretty is your garden Gina - it gets off to a late start but certainly takes no time at all it seems to catch up. I usually make a quiche in a pastry case, but I like the idea of your method and will give it a try - less fattening and looks really nourishing and delicious.

    1. Dear Rosemary, The Quiche pictured above I made with 1% milk and added a little unsalted butter. I didn't have cream so had to experiment. It turned out well. This quiche needs no pastry. It holds together because of the eggs. I used a dozen eggs (our chickens are busy laying right now).

  4. Everything you do, dear Gina, you do so well and with such style. Your garden, the flowers and the vegetables look healthy and wonderful. It must be a lot of work to look after them, but what a reward at harvest time. Delicious
    ideas for a Quiche, again so beautifully presented.
    Lots of warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, This is the time of year when I would like for things to slow down. The major garden work has been done and the rewards are now being appreciated. Our friends are stopping by and leaving with big sacks of produce. There is even enough to share with our chickens.
      Thank you for your visit and thank you also for taking the time to leave a comment.

  5. Hello dear Gina..
    This is such a stunningly beautiful post. Your veggies are so well organized and look so healthy.
    You make a quiche the way I do.. however, I have never eaten chard.!!! Its not eaten here in Portugal..well, never seen it
    Like yourselves, we used to breed cattle.. That was many many years ago. Amazing, how many people think that only the male has horns.!!
    Your roses look splendid.. your pottery divine..
    So wonderful that you can serve up your own homegrown veggies.. I miss that.
    wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    Val xxxx

    1. Dear Val, I so envy you your trip to Morocco. One of the last exotic place left where one can visit safely. I hope it never changes.
      I am deceiving all of you with my Bouquets of Roses. I know that you grow fabulous roses. My rose bushes have to be coddled and coaxed to produce the few flowers that I can cut now and then. So I cut them all at once and enjoy them in the house. Our climate just isn't conducive to growing hybrid tea roses.
      But I can grow healthy looking vegetables. chard is one of my favorites because it has such a delicate texture and taste. And besides, all Greens are so healthy for you that it is worthwhile to give them a try.
