Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Don't peel the Beets

What is Summer without a Beet Salad? 

Instead of round beets grow cylindrical beets next year.  

They cook evenly and slice evenly and taste terrific.

Leave tops and roots intact, 
that way they won't bleed. 

Bake them or boil them, but don't peel them. 
Baking intensifies flavor.

When al dente let cool. 
While still warm twist beets in both directions. 
 Skin will come off in one piece.  

Slice beets, season with coarse salt, toss with Balsamic Vinegar and add
finely chopped, medium sized onion. 

Have a wonderful week dear friends.


Partial repost August 1, 2014


  1. OOOOH! I love beets and really appreciate your tips regarding handling and cooking Gina. I usually end up with purple fingers for a couple of days. Do you ever roast them on an outdoor grill? I love roasting all the summer veggies and usually keep a container full in the frig to add to different dishes such as grains, rice, soups, and of course salads.

    Beautiful photos of your always gorgeous flowers and gardens.
    Hope your summer is going well and that you, G and the animals are enjoying lovely warm days.

    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, Roasting beets and have them ready when needed is such a great idea. We are having a wonderful Summer. The nights are cool and the days are warm...so perfect for growing flowers and vegetables.
      Hope you are doing well.

  2. Gina, it's now too warm in my apartment to consider heating the oven for any beet roasting. So, as I did last month, when I bought some beautiful beets from the farmers market, I will go the boil/simmer routine. It's sort of fun to see how easily the skin does peel off after cooking.

    Let's have lots more fun as July deepens into August exploring the beautiful bounty of summer fruits and veg.

    I think I will be bringing home some peaches from my next market visit. As of now, the blueberries are just wonderful. xo

    1. Dear Frances, I think that it is wonderful that you have a special market where you can buy all sorts of wonderful fruits and vegetables, and all this in the middle of New York City.
      For the first time in many years we will have a bountiful harvest of peaches and apricots.

      I love your new mitts. The colors are stunning, will look for them in your Etsy shop.

  3. Scrumptious looking salad! Thank you for the tip preparing beets
    Have a Adventurous Week!

    1. Hello Maywyn, Hope you give beet salad a try. It is so very easy to prepare and is always liked by everyone.
      Thank you for your visit.

  4. Dear Gina,
    I love beets. Sometimes, for a quick side dish, I grate them coarsely after peeling and saute them in butter.Add
    plenty of pepper and possibly Dill for a great dish. Lemon helps with the red fingers.
    Looking forward to the really big parcel of plates, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, We are having special company so your new (new to me) recipe will come in handy. I like anything sauteed in butter.
      Yes you're plates are coming. I think that you will be surprised at how really large they are.

  5. Dear Gina,
    Such a colorful post.
    I love beet root. My mother included it in our diet from when i was a young girl.
    I twist them when cold too and the skin slides off.

    Wishing you a happy sunday... Val xxx

    1. Dear Val, Isn't it wonderful to have discovered this quick trick on how to peel beets. No more washerwoman red hands for us. Do you have a favorite recipe?
