Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The best of two worlds


New snow.

Ready to go to work.

Wishing you a great week ahead.



  1. Hi Gina,

    What a gorgeous winter wonderland you have captured! The monochromatic hues of the freezing outdoors are such a contrast to the bright, bold and beautiful orchids found indoors. Both strikingly pretty!

    Happy 2017!


  2. Thank you Poppy. We have had a lot of snow and our pond is mostly frozen over. As long as there is a little open water we have about 200 ducks coming and going throughout the day.
    Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Dear Gina,
    How lucky we are to be able to buy Lilies, Orchids and Tulips even in the coldest winter.You staged your flowers beautifully and I am always enchanted by the interior of your royal home as seen in the third photo. And then the images of your pond and beyond.....always so special.
    Greetings from sunny Texas, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, So true. This time of year most of my flowers have to come from the store. That is why I love orchids. They last for months. Most of them even re-bloom if you give them a little time and an east facing window.
      When you come for a visit you will see that there is nothing "royal" about our home. But you are right about our pond. What a treasure it is!

  4. Bonjour chère amie,

    Le spectacle neigeux est merveilleux... Je n'aime pas du tout la neige mais je reconnais que le panorama est fantastique... Je reste cependant au chaud ! à admirer votre intérieur !...
    Merci pour ces très belles photos.

    Gros bisous 🌸

    1. Bonjour Martinealison, I am always so pleased when you come for a visit. We have had a lot of snow this year. Good for our farms and livestock but sometimes inconvenient for our friends. That is why we have the old tractor at standby...to help everyone dig out of the snow.
      Gros bisous

  5. All of the contrasts in these photos are lovely Gina, but I know where I would rather be and that is not on the tractor heading off in the cold to work.

    1. Dear Rosemary, The tractor is Mr G's pride and joy. And there are many good reasons. That Ford Jubilee tractor works hard during winter and during the planting season in the spring. Many citizens of our little town count on M G to dig them out after a big snowstorm. He's been very busy this year. I am not allowed on the tractor and that suits me just fine.

  6. What glorious contrasts in your beautiful photos.

    1. Hello Gina, I am so pleased that you like my photos. It would be a very long winter if we couldn't cheer up our house with a little extra color.

  7. What beautiful photos! I think that I would prefer to be indoors than in all of that snow, but it is lovely to look at from afar!

    1. Hello Amy and welcome. Thank you for your visit. I am so pleased that you like my photos.

  8. Such beautiful photos! A reminder that winter can be beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing your Five on Friday

    1. Hello Sharon, Thank you for letting me share. Winter is beautiful but you have to stay warm.

  9. A great contrast between outside and inside!

    1. Hello Villrose, Pretty flowers always make a difference. Thank you for stopping by.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you Anette. I have always admired your beautiful flower photos.

  11. Such a beautiful view of the snow, makes me almost like it, but know that I prefer it in pictures.

    1. Hello Mac n'Janet. It's been very cold here. The snow is beautiful and there is lots of it and it is staying. Even I am looking forward to warmer days.

  12. Pure colours of soft snow, changing shades as the sun moves over the earth, how spectacular the scenes from your view. I wish that we would get a very lovely deep snow, but so far only two wee maybe 1 " snowfalls that just cause accidents and tumbles. Your home, your Orchids all delight my vision this cold Winter day~

    1. Dear Mary, After several years of little snow we are getting a lot of snow this year. Our Farmers are happy and that is all they talk about. Now we are all looking at the mountains and wondering what the Spring thaw will be like. I can't wait to see our spring gardens. Blooms should be plentiful.
      Thank you for your visit dear Mary. I always appreciate your comments.

  13. As ever, your photographs are GLORIOUS, both inside and out.

    1. I am so pleased to meet you Rosemary. I have become on of your newest Followers.
      Thank you for your lovely compliment.

  14. All of our snow melted but I'm sure it will be back soon. We still have two months of winter to go. I love the fresh flowers. I buy them every week if they are available.


    1. Hello Bee Lady, It's so cold here that none of our snow has melted. November snow is still with us.
      Found some pretty tulips yesterday at Costco. They will keep me happy for a little while.
      Thank you for stopping by. It is very much appreciated.

  15. Such sumptious scenes. And I wouldn't mind a staircase like that in my home :-)
    Thanks for sharing all this beauty.

    1. Hello Joanna, Thank you for your visit. I am so pleased that you like my photos. The staircase has seen many a ups and downs (that is supposed to be funny).
