Sunday, February 19, 2017

Discovering while learning.

A few years ago I was invited

from the book entitled Art in Bloom by Victoria Jane Ream

to participate in an event, sponsored by the 
Utah Museum of Fine Arts, entitled 
"Art in Bloom" 

Floral Designers were selected and asked to interpret a painting into a floral arrangement. 

I selected the above painting by Jose Aparicio Y Inglada 
entitled "Portrait of Jean Louis Reynier"

The challenge for me was to attach a rose to my sword which would match the color of the ribbon on the soldier's chest.  
The rose had to last for 2 weeks, and out of water. 

The solution was to attach a dried-in-sand rose.

It sounds easy.  But roses change color once dessicated. 


My comment why I chose this particular painting.  

 I own a sword similar to the one in the painting and I wanted it to be part of the story. 

Keeping cut Phalaenopsis fresh presented another problem.

In the above photograph you can see that the flowers are beginning to fade.

I actually cut these yellow Phalaenopsis from a plant when I noticed that several stems were beginning to wilt.  

If you cut the stem and place it in water,
 in a few hours they will have revived and will last in water for many more days. 

If you want them to last even longer as cut flowers, do what professionals do.  
"Condition" by placing them into cold storage for 24 hours.  
That means 54 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit.

(Your household refrigerator 40 to 45 degrees F)

Cut your stems every day and replace water. 

Have a great week ahead, dear Friends. 



  1. Wow. So beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hello Rick, So pleased that you like this post. Thank You.

  2. That was an amazingly beautiful arrangement Gina and I loved your words accompanying it.
    I've never tried hard to grow orchids as I have nowhere with good light to really to place them in this small cottage. I love seeing your blooms which are always so gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

    Glad to hear your snow is melting - know your spring bulbs are waiting patiently!
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, I would love for you to give orchids a try. Once they are blooming, they don't need light. In fact, it will slow down their growth and last at least 3 to 4 months in bloom. All you have to do is give it a little water once or twice a week. Just remember not to place it near direct sunlight or next to heat such as a fireplace. The best orchid for you would be a Phalaenopsis, also called Butterfly orchid.
      They even survive on their own while we are away for 2 weeks.

  3. Dear Gina,
    What a clever idea to use your precious sword in the flower arrangement for this handsome, young commander of the
    Napoleonic Wars in Egypt. I also appreciate your valuable tips on how to extend the life of cut flowers.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, The sword was given to Mr G many years ago by his very good friend. When I designed the arrangement there were many doubts by the "people in charge" who wondered if a weapon was appropriate for their event. It stayed and visitors to the show gave positive reviews.

  4. Dear Gina - I loved this post - what a great priviledge you were afforded to design such a spectacular flower arrangement to go with this wonderful painting of Jean Louis Reynier. They could not have chosen a better person - your artistic flair using flowers along with your knowledge of the decorative arts and use of colour brings the whole together.

    1. Dear Rosemary, As soon as I saw the painting in the museum I knew how I would interpret it. I thought that it needed a stark contrast which the white flowers would provide. Photographs don't do this combination of painting and flowers justice. Everything about this design was oversized.
      Thank you for your very lovely compliment.

  5. The painting and your floral piece that was to replicate it is truly gorgeous. That slight touch of a beautiful shade of red, made all of the difference. Your floral tidbits, I always learn from you my friend. Always enjoy my visits. Happy weekend~

    1. Dear Mary, So nice of you to stop by and leave a comment. I have been enjoying your beautiful nature photos, especially the last one.

  6. Gina, I absolutely love your beautiful entries!! Your appreciation for color and patterns of nature is awesome!!!!

    1. Hello Pattigirl, How sweet of you to be so generous with your compliments. I am so pleased that you like my photos. Have a wonderful Sunday and a great week.
