Sunday, February 26, 2017

It's Harvest Time

They have waited in the cool and dark cellar.

They have waited 2 years to see the light of day.

Soaked in Gin (sometimes Vodka)  for many a month.

They were beautiful and red once. 

Watched over by our owl. 

When she doesn't show up the birds make the cherries disappear in short order.

Now all bottled up and waiting for a party.

Also tried pears this time (same recipe)
  It's even better than Kirschwasser

Will share with friends.

Thank you for visiting dear friends.  
Have a great week ahead. 



  1. Dear Gina,
    I did not realize that it takes 2 years for the fruit to give up enough flavor to make this fantastic Likör.
    It is quite lucky to have a cool cellar for so many reasons. The labels on your bottles are beautiful and so is your presentation.
    When did you say is the party???
    Best wishes for a lovely Sunday, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, You really don't have to wait 2 years. I just didn't get around to bottling the Likör sooner. I must say that it does have a more intense flavor.
      The party is anytime you can come this way.

  2. How fabulous are these bottles of your garden's harvest - I can almost smell the fragrance of the fruits.
    That is a real barn owl, right Gina? What a handsome bird - and a very good one to have in the garden when other visitors fly or crawl in for a meal!

    Beautiful way to display your bounty - your friends must be so grateful when you share - and you are always a great one for that!
    Hugs on another warm spring-like NC day.
    Mary -

    1. Dear Mary,
      Yes, she is the real thing. She hangs around for most of the year. However, she is not reliable. We have a few plastic owls in our trees but they just don't fool our little robins.
      I have been enjoying your flower photos. Nothing growing here. Still too cold.

  3. Oh wow! The bottles look so beautiful and I bet the contents taste amazing. What a shame there is an ocean between us or I might invite myself over for that party. What a beautiful owl too.

    1. Hello Gina, You are invited, anytime. We hear our owl in the big black Locust trees by the house. She didn't come to our rescue last year. She may be raising her Young at the same time that the cherries are ripening.

  4. How wonderful this must be to create your own beautiful and tasty I am sure Cherry and Pear Likor. I am sitting here trying to imagine the savoring taste of such, sweet goodness. How pleased you must be. Happy week dear heart~

    1. Dear Mary, Making these cordials is very, very simple. The longer the fruit macerates the better the end product. Maybe you will give it a try this year.

  5. Hi Gina,

    Your cherry and pear likor must surely be the hit of the party! What pretty labels you have created for your 2017 Villa Vista vintages! Your security guard, with his stern expression, I'm certain, does a great job of keeping a watchful eye on the juicy jewels! Enjoy! Cheers!

    Wishing you a lovely week!

    1. Dear Poppy,

      I have been admiring your beautiful photos commemorating the coming of Spring. Your photos have been especially welcome since we are still under several inches of new snow.
      Thank you for your visit. It is so appreciated.

  6. Dear Gina - I can imagine just how delicious your cherry and pear liqueurs are, and they look especially attractive presented wearing your own special labels too.

  7. Dear Rosemary, Pic Monkey helped with the labels and Elmer's Glue did the rest. We may or may not have cherries this year. Late freezes are always a possibilitiy.
    Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. It is always so nice to hear from you.
