Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Should I or shouldn't I.

Remove stamens from Lilies.

At this stage, inside the bud, they can't do any harm.

Many a wedding dress has been ruined by brushing up against a Lily with pollinated stamens.

It has been noticed that Lilies last longer if stamens are removed. 

But they look so empty.

So, I'm making my own rules.

The stamens will be left intact if there isn't a chance for them to brush up against nearby fabric. 

What do YOU think?  

Have a great remainder of the week, dear friends,



  1. I would not mess about with Mother Nature...let those stamen stay. xo

  2. Dear Gina,
    your vase holds such pretty and colorful flowers!
    I never remove the stamens from my Lilies and love the way they point in all directions.
    Happy greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, This time of year it's flowers from the grocery store or nothing. I have been admiring your brassica arrangements. You know just how to pair them with other greenery to make them look so special.

  3. I am with you Gina - keep the stamens on the lilies but put them somewhere safe to prevent staining.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Exactly. As long as they don't touch fine fabrics and as long as you don't brush against them. the flowers are prettier when left alone.

  4. Lilies are doing fine, just the way they come.
    Great pics.

    1. Hello Rick, You're right. Lilies are perfect the way they come.

  5. I agree, the stamens are part of the attraction, especially when they dust the white petals, can't help but love them!

    1. Hello Susan, That is exactly how I feel. I am so pleased that white and pink lilies can be purchased all year. They are long lasting and fill the air with their incredible perfume.

  6. I've clipped the stamens for many years once the buds open - I have white/light furnishings and too many times the pollen fell on things and it's impossible to remove. I do feel a little sad doing that but also, in all honesty, I admit to not really liking lilies in the house as I find their perfume somewhat overpowering - I like mine growing in the garden!

    Lovely pix dear Gina - I have daffodils starting to peek out and some lilies are just starting to poke through the leave mold - Spring is coming.

    1. Dear Mary, I can see why you would not have Lilies in your home. Not only do you have so many light colored and beautiful fabrics but you also don't like their perfume. I agree, it can be powerful.
      Wish I could grow beautiful lilies in my garden.

  7. Interesting, thanks for sharing this information. The stamens are pretty so not sure I would remove them.

    1. Hi JUdy, It really depends on where you would place your Lilies. One thing for sure you can not get them near a white wedding dress without removing their stamens.

  8. Lilies looks very beautiful! I have not know this information about lily.Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Hello Weekend, Lilies do make a statement. They are large and have a wonderful perfume. A perfume that sometimes can be overwhelming. Thank you for your visit.

  9. Lilies are quite toxic to pets; they have actually been fatal to cats and dogs. Therefore, my vote is to always remove the stamens very carefully to avoid getting any residue anywhere.

    1. Hello Anonymous, I didn't realize that Lilies are toxic to pets. I will have to be more careful. Thank you for this information. And thank you for leaving a comment.
