Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sunday morning is for taking it easy.

My little corner of the world. 

Where Sky and water meet as one. 

Where Spring is late this year. 

Where Blintzes rank supreme on Sunday morning.

And little errant tulips, when gathered together, make a big splash. 

That is how we celebrate Sunday morning. 

Wishing you a most wonderful and peaceful Sunday. 


  1. Thank you so much Gina - I need some peace and quiet this morning - this has been such a hectic week full of many ups and downs.
    How beautiful everything looks at your gorgeous home - God is good today - your piece of heaven is amazing. Enjoy each second of today and every day. I'll be thinking of you whilst in Sicily.
    Thank you also for your sweet comment on our handsome little Colin - he's such a good boy.
    Your friend - Mary x

    1. Dear Mary, I am so excited for you. Sicily will be such a wonderful experience.. I will have to wait two weeks before I get to see pictures from your trip. I know that the wait will be worth it. Have a great and safe trip.

  2. What a view.
    Sooo peaceful.
    Glad you're having good weather.

    1. Hello Rick, Thank you for your visit. It's still cold here and flowers are hard to come by. In the meantime our water fowl knows it is spring. They are keeping busy showing off to each other.

  3. Gina, your Sunday morning looks rather wonderful from my Sunday evening vantage point. Blintzes! When was the last time I tasted a blintze?
    The sunlight in your photographs is so very uplifting. Our NYC Sunday moved through space and time under grey cloud cover. xo

    1. Dear Frances, Blintzes are so easy to make. Why not treat yourself next Sunday. Have truly enjoyed your photos of Central Park and pictures of all the things that keep you busy. Your new knitting design is so intriguing. Can't wait to see what you will end up doing with it.

  4. Dear Gina,
    your corner of the world has the loveliest views with an interesting sky, especially when reflected in your precious pond.The Blintzes look rich and delicious for a great Sunday breakfast. All your photos are so rich in
    color and inviting. Thank you for sharing this special place with us.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Thank you for your very special comment. This is the time of year I enjoy most of all. The skies are the bluest and Spring flowers are popping up everywhere. The fruit trees are full of promise for yet another abundant year. The kitchen garden is waiting to be planted and the chickens have decided to up their egg production. You might want to consider coming for a visit.

  5. You are still here! Your blog was always a treat for me. I have been away for a while but am back now. I still love your world and your images! Hope all is well.

    1. Dear Theresa, Yes, I'm still here and yes, all is well.
      I was so pleased to see you post of yesterday. Is that a goose egg in one of the niches of your cupboard, your contribution to the Decorative Artists Conference? Wonderful work that you are doing. Maybe we will get to see more of it. ox, Gina

    2. So good to be back! The egg is hen(yes, it is a little large) and references to the process of making egg tempera(with the jar of dry pigment next to it) I promise to post more in the future!

    3. Dear Theresa, So happy to hear that we might see you here a little more often. I was wondering if that egg is not a goose egg, one of the few I sent you maybe a year ago. It's the time of year my geese are laying eggs again.

  6. Your photos are stunning! So, so beautiful. Thank you so much for linking - wishing you a lovely day!

    1. Hello Riitta, Thank you for hosting and thank you also for your very generous compliment.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Valerie, What a lovely comment you left.

  8. Dear Gina - will Blintzes reign supreme again tomorrow as you both gaze out across your wonderful views. Are Blintzes rather similar to pancakes?

    1. Dear Rosemary, That is exactly what happened. I wanted to test the recipe to see how well they would freeze. They could not have been more delicious.
      My blintzes are similar to pancakes only much thinner. I filled them with a mixture of ricotta cheese and sour cream. They were then topped with macerated sour cherries (from my last year's harvest). It was a big hit and different versions will be tested on our friends.
