Friday, June 23, 2017


Was it just luck when I tried this a few weeks ago?   

Last time I made potato salad I cooked the eggs on top of the potatoes...just long enough for hard boiled eggs.  I continued cooking the potatoes. 

I usually scoop out the eggs with a spoon.

But I like to have a few smooth eggs to decorate the top of the potato salad. 

Smooth eggs, like these.

When I peeled the eggs the shells came off in several large pieces.

We have chickens.  That means that the eggs we use for cooking are very fresh.  

Fresh eggs are supposed to be harder to peel.

It happened again?  The eggs peeled easily.  

What does the potato do to the egg? 

Maybe you know.



  1. I love your kitchen.
    Invite me over.

    1. Hello Rick, You never know. You may find my kitchen too busy. Too many trips and too many memories all in one place.

  2. Oh gosh, I love this potato salad you made Gina - never thought of cooking the two together. Some eggs are so difficult to peel - and I so wish had had my own chickens! Of course your beautiful bowls make everything look even more appetizing.

    I did make egg salad yesterday for lunch sandwiches - in warmed pita pockets from the local Lebanese bakery. I add curry powder, turmeric, pepper and salt, romaine lettuce, and served with a side of white beans, artichoke hearts, olive oil, and lots of garlic - very delish!!!!!

    Good food - great friends - wish we could eat together!
    Mary X

    1. Dear Mary, What a feast!. I love your egg salad recipe. Then white beans and artichoke hearts in addition.
      Maybe, one of these days. You never know. Maybe we will cook and eat together. Wouldn't that be fun.

  3. Dear Gina - what a great idea - I never thought about cooking the two together - saves on fuel and pans used as well.
    Your potato salad looks really tasty and delicious - a great nutrious accompaniment to so many other things as well.
    I don't know the secret of the shell coming off in one go - sometimes it work for me and at other times it doesn't.

    1. They say that fresh eggs are difficult to peel. They say that one should put the boiled eggs into the refrigerator overnight. I know that commercial eggs are sometimes store for 6 months. None of that has worked for me.
      Let me know what you think next time you boil potatoes and eggs together.

      Your fabulous Italian posts have given me the wanderlust again.

  4. Dear Gina,
    Love Potato salad!!! Your fresh eggs make it extra special, but what I like even more with it are some delicious German Wieners, which are hard to find here. As always, your presentation is so beautiful with your own creations
    on the bowls, bouquet of flowers and background.
    The rain has stopped for now and the birds are enjoying the cooler temperature. Me too.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,
      Wish we would have a little rain. It has been weeks and no rain predicted for the next little while.
      We are lucky in that our little town has a German cafe. They import German Wieners from a Butcher from the big city. Every now and then the Cafe will sell us a dozen or so of authentic German Wieners. Now you have another reason to come for a visit.
