Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sunday, Sunday.

Flowers make me happy. 

Especially those which grow in my very own garden.

I can visit with my flowers every day.

Poppies are one of my most favorite flowers. 

When using Poppies in arrangements, you must remember to singe their stems for 30 seconds. 

Foxglove the same. Singe their stems.  This time a little longer.  

The thicker the stem, the longer it takes. 

Burn over candle flame. 

I burn several flowers at a time, on top of my gas range.  

What is more pleasing then making the rounds in the early morning, coffee cup in hand.

How many can you name? 

Happy Sunday to you and yours.



  1. Dear Gina, flowers from your garden make me very happy, too! I've just been continuing a major blog catch up that I began yesterday. So many other things have been grabbing my time that I've been neglecting visiting lovely places like your site. I do not know the mysterious reason for the potato effect on boiled eggs but once again am marveling at nature.
    I also marveled at those gorgeous Portuguese carpets. Just seeing the skeins of the tapestry yarns made me want to try to make a carpet myself! Ahhh, but when would I find the time... xo

    1. Dear Frances,
      I have noticed that Portuguese rug kits are available. With your talent, working with wool and needles, I can see how you could re-create some of those beautiful patterns.

  2. Dear Gina,
    it makes me happy to visit your blog and share in your joy of flowers and the beautiful bouquets you arrange in
    your fine hand painted vases. The colors are so pretty.
    Have a great Sunday, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, This is the time of year that flowers are growing everywhere in my garden. I have even planted them within the rows of my vegetable garden.

  3. Those are what I call a 'happy vase of flower' grown with love, handled with care, and presented beautifully and a joy to see Gina.

    1. Dear Rosemary, This is the time of year when flowers are abundant and bringing them into the house is such a joy.

  4. I adore Poppies too and I see Crown Vetch in the beautiful bouquet. Is the large Rose a Floribunda? I am so terrible with names of flowers, but I sure enjoy seeing the beauty of it all. Have a delightfully wonderful week Dear Gina~

    1. Dear Mary, Not many people can identify crownvetch. Crownvetch can be such a nuisance. Around the pond I can keep it under control and it does look wonderful in flower arrangements.
