Friday, January 26, 2018

The last one.

You say you can't grow oranges in Utah!

 I can.

 In my little greenhouse.

My Meyer orange tree is just a small one but it grew 6 large beautiful and juicy oranges.
And now it is beginning to grow new buds.

My greenhouse is heated by the sun.
It is where my geraniums wait for spring to come. 

It snowed a little last night.  Must clean off the glass panes so that the heat of the sun can be trapped inside.  

And I can grow kumquats. Do you like kumquats?

I do.  
You have to pop the entire fruit into your mouth.  
The inside is very tart but the rind is sweet and very aromatic. 

This cactus almost didn't make it.  

A tiny cactus grew at the base of a larger plant.  One of my white geese came by and pulled it off.  I found the little piece in the grass.  
I potted it up. The next day the goose had yanked it out of the pot.  Again I found it.
I replanted it and moved it to a safe place. 
That was 2 years ago.  

My geraniums are very old...I love every one of them. 

Finished a new mural and sent it off to Virginia.  

And now I'm going to eat my orange. 

Have a wonderful day, 



  1. Gina, I don't recall seeing your fabulous greenhouse before - that's so great for keeping things growing through the cold months.
    Glad you like my odd, unexpected color, for the amaryllis. It really is lovely and the third bud is now on it's way to opening. I will definitely try to store these through the hotter months and get them to re-bloom again later for the holidays perhaps.

    Orange and kumquats look delicious and the cacti and geraniums very healthy.
    Happy weekend dear - Mary x

    1. Dear Mary,
      I love my greenhouse. I can play in it as much as I like or I can just let it do what it wants. The main thing is to have a few sunny diversions and enjoy the warmth when winter is so cold and stark in our area. My greenhouse has mostly geraniums in it...they never stop blooming. Sometime in March and April I get ambitious and start a few seedlings to put out into my garden later.

  2. P.S. I LOVE that mural - someone in Virginia must be very happy!

    1. Dear Mary,
      A gentleman ordered this mural. The background had to be pure white and the blue had to be navy blue. I love it when my clients know exactly what they want.

  3. Dear Gina - your last orange looks juicy and very delicious - hope that you enjoyed it. Not too keen on kumquats myself but do like them in marmalade.

    1. Dear Rosemary, You're right, Kumquats make delicious marmelade. i was surprised to find out what delicious oranges my little tree produced.

  4. Lovely to have your company once again on Mosaic Monday Gina, your oranges and kumquat look amazing and the delicate geraniums obviously benefit from overwintering in your pretty greenhouse. I had to smile when I read how you saved the cactus offshoot, so glad it survived despite the goose.

    1. Dear Maggie, Thank you for hosting Mosaic Monday. My geese are always up to no good. Once they plucked the little cactus they realized that they didn't like the taste.
      I so enjoyed your lovely photos of your spring flowers. Especially since I don't even see a little sign of spring coming to my garden.

  5. You have such a beautiful home and the greenhouse looks so neat...hope the sun helps melt the snow! Enjoy your day...and your fresh orange! Hugs, Diane

    1. Thank you Diane for your very nice complement. The orange was especially sweet. I was surprised that I could grow them on my little tree.

  6. Gina, Amazing oranges and kumquats. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

    1. Hello Sylvia,
      Thank you for dropping by for a visit. Now that I know what lovely fruit they bear I will take better care of my little trees.

  7. Your greenhouse provides all sorts of delightful things for you! The oranges look luscious. I've never eaten a kumquat. Your ceramic piece is beautiful. Blue and white is always a favourite of mine.

  8. Hello Lorrie, If you ever run into candied Kumquats give them a try. They are delicious. I am so pleased that you like the mural. Thank You.

  9. Gina - the peel on your oranges is absolutely radiant! I am sure the juicy goodness on the inside lived up to the 'label'. You appear to have a very green thumb, not to mention a talent with murals!

    1. Hi Angie, How nice of you to come for a visit. Wish we had your kind of snow. The orange was truly the sweetest and juiciest orange ever.

  10. You’ve got serious gardening chops ... and photography skills to match! I am so impressed. Love oranges.... kumquats not so much. Too tart for my taste, But they are adorably cute.

    1. Hi Sallie, You are right. Kumquats are adorable. Thank you for your very nice compliments. You have made my day.

  11. The brightness of the orange caught me. It's so beautiful! I am a Japanese living in the countryside. I love gardening, too. The pictures you shared with us here made my day. Thank you so much!

    1. Hello Anon, The countryside and gardening just go together. We are both very lucky. Thank you for your visit.
