Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wild Canada Geese

They're not going home

Wherever home is this time of year. 

Wild Canadian Geese 60 feet from our house.  

Every year bringing more.  Family units of 7 and more come in groups.  

They feel at ease at our pond placing their heads under their wings for a snooze in the sunshine.

Happy week to you all. 



  1. We have many around here too Gina, but mostly at the ponds in the neighborhood. I love when they fly home honking loudly in a V-form in the early evening above our trees. Of course they have actually become pests in the city - at the airport - and in posh subdivisions when people try to run them off their expensive landscaped yards. They are messy!

    Your pond is such a peaceful looking place - I'd love to be there putting my head under my wing!
    Love, Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      You are right. Geese (and ducks) are very messy. During the day they come and go. We can set our clocks by their movements. What I love most of all is when a large group comes swooshing in pushing large amounts of water in front of their feet. It makes for a beautiful sound and sight.

  2. P.S. OMG - just showing Bob you pond as I write AND a group just flew over honking "goodnight"...........amazing!

    1. Dear Mary,
      When you're close to them you realize that they communicate with each other with little sounds. It never stops. They watch out for each other.

  3. Dear Gina - if I was a wild Canadian Goose I would join them also - it is a perfect spot for them, being safe and majestic too.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      When they fly over our heads you hear their wings movings. It is awe inspiring. I am so pleased that they are happy with us.
