Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Weatherman was right

It did snow.

They say that there is more to come.

I can now undecorate my tree.  
I had to see it one more time, with snow. 

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. 



  1. Just spectacular Gina! How many inches this time - and if more what's predicted?
    Right now I'm heading out to the gazebo to undecorate the Xmas tree and pack it away - just wanted to enjoy its lights and loveliness in the early morning and evenings, and especially in the snow. But time to get it done - more pressing things will be in the cards soon!

    Show us more from your pretty place soon please.
    Mary x

    1. Dear Mary,

      We had about 5 inches of new snow. It's been very cold so the snow has stayed. The Canadian geese are still with us. They come and go throughout the day and night. Before this last cold spell we had ducks thinking that it was Spring. There's been a lot of posturing on our pond.
      I'm leaving christmas lights on by the fountain in the arcade. Like you I like the twinkling lights...Christmas was over too soon.
      Thank you for your visit.
