Saturday, May 26, 2018

This is strange

I had no idea.

For the first time in 23 years, a pair of wild Canadian Geese brought their goslings to our pond.  

Occasionally we have a brave duck bring her brood.  

When geese stretch their necks like this that means that they are ready for a fight.  They don't have any goslings and they are jealous.  

Every now and then one of the adult geese would disappear for a day or 2.  Then, would reappear with two or more goslings. 

Originally we had 7 goslings. 
Now there are twelve. 

I have not known for Geese, or any other bird, hatch their young in spurts.
Females usually stay on their nests until all have hatched.  

My lilacs are beautiful this year.  
They survived a late frost. 

Amaryllis brought in from my greenhouse.
They used to bloom just before Christmas. 

Since last October I have painted nonstop.  Murals and tiles for new and remodeled kitchens.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend on this very special holiday. 



  1. Dear Gina - the young goslings are so sweet - when we were away last week a little group of six ducklings crossed the road in front of us, we swerved to miss them, but there was a big lorry behind us. Luckily they all managed within an inch of their lives to cross the road safely.
    Love the mural you have painted - it reminds me a bit of the work of Paola Uccello.

    1. Dear Rosemary,

      What a fright that must have been. Once little ducklings make up their minds to go you can't stop them. Glad that everyone made it.

      You are correct. My ceramic mural looks a lot like a fresco by Paolo Uccello. It is actually a detail from a fresco by Benozzo Gozzoli from the "Journey of the Magi" located at the Pallazo Medici in Florence.

      I purchased several spolveri from a ceramic artist when I visited his studio in Ferrara, Italy. The above scene is one of his interpretations.

  2. Canada Geese are ubiquitous here, even nuisances. Still, I enjoy seeing them flying in a V overhead, and their goslings are cute. What beautiful lilacs you have. Ours are gone now, replaced by peonies and roses and more flowers than I can list. Such a wonderful time of year. Your tile paintings are so lovely.

    1. Dear Lorrie,

      Yes, Geese can be a nuisance. Fortunately, they only come and go on their way to wherever they go (I have no idea where that is). It will be interesting to see if these goslings have now been imprinted by our pond.

      I envy you your peonies and roses. Both are difficult to grow in this climate. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful garden photos.

  3. Hi Gina, I am finally doing some catch up after having been missing in action for 3 weeks, which I have no idea how that came about. I wonder if it's possible that the Goslings got separated for a bit from something and that then the one adult went back to retrieve them. It's always so interesting that they seems to know when one, or more are missing. Your posts are so lovely and always cheer me up~ Hugs

    1. Dear Mary,

      You have an interesting idea. And it would make sense. However, as new goslings arrive, I see that they are much smaller. I don't know where their nest is. Our nesting birds have to be very clever in hiding them because of the many marauders we have in our fields.

      Thank you for stopping by. It is so appreciated.

  4. Love the goslings, so cute. My lilacs didn't do so well this year but I did manage a display in the hallway at least!
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

    1. Hello Maggie,
      Lilacs are very temperamental. This is the first year, in many, that I have everyone of my lilac bushes blooming. At least you had enough for one bouquet.
      Thank you for your visit.

  5. Gina, this is a fantastic post! I love all the photos and information on the geese. How interesting! We can't grow lilacs here. I wish we had some of those beautiful blooms.

    1. Hello Sarah, Wish I could send you a giant bouquet. Their perfume this year is almost overwhelming. Wish they would last longer in a vase. Even pounding the stems doesn't do much.
      Thank you for stopping byu.

  6. Baby geese...and ducks are always the cutest. Makes you wish you could pick one up and feel how soft it is. What beautiful photos!

    1. Thank you Diane for your sweet comment. They are cute. You are right. I get to pick up a few little ducklings once in a while. Thank you for your visit. It is so appreciated.

  7. Hi Gina - we also can't grow lilacs here but used to enjoy them in (Old) England and New England - both with less heat and humidity which must be what they enjoy - as do I! Yours are splendid and I can just about smell the heavy perfume through my screen! As for the amaryllis, spectacular - you truly have a green thumb!

    We don't really like the Canada geese here - there are so many now and they have become a nuisance with the mess they make in gardens and public parks etc. - but of course the babies are really adorable.

    Love the tiles - there are definitely some beautiful kitchens around the country displaying your awesome talent.
    Have just sent you an e-mail regarding Aug.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      When the geese decide to stay a few days it does get a bit messy. For now we can still tolerate them. What I don't like are the blue herons going after the little ones.
      You will see for yourself when you come for a visit.

    2. I'm so excited and anxious to see all this beauty in your corner of Utah!
      Mary x

    3. Dear Mary,

      We are looking forward to your visit.

  8. Your geese and ducks are lovely creatures. Enjoyed the Lilacs too Have a nice week

    much love...

    1. Hi Gillena,

      So glad you stopped by for a visit. Take good care.

  9. Beautiful post, from beginning to end.

    1. Hi Angie,

      Welcome. So happy that you came by for a visit. I am your newest follower.
