Saturday, June 16, 2018

Mein Sonntag strauss am Samstag

So few roses survive our harsh winters. 

I treasure every one of them.

Happy weekend to you and yours. 



  1. Beautiful Gina ! These are some gorgeous survivors, alright !

    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Hi Fabby, You are so right. They are all survivors. You would wonder how those scraggy little bushes can produce even one rose. Thank you for your visit.

  2. These are gorgeous Gina - I so hope you are blessed with more now the weather is improving. I only grow a few as here in the heat/humidity mine don't do as well after the first early flush. Here the 'Knockout' roses are very popular and over the past several years they've been planted everywhere and huge bushes of them are blooming now. They can be stunning and apparently are healthy in this climate zone. Others, such as the standard and climbing roses, do well when cared for diligently by rose aficionados who spend a lot of time and cash on professional rose assistants!

    We are in for a heatwave - high 90's for the week ahead, yuck!

    Enjoy this weekend my dear - the weeks are really flying by, which is good for certain aspects of life!!!!!!
    Thanks for the great comment today. I'll ask Jasmin to take a photo of moi tomorrow when we take Bob out for Father's day lunch! Just had color - decided to take your advice and keep growing for now, haha!

    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, I must check into your "Knockout Roses". Oddly enough we have had temperatures into the high nineties. However, we don't have to contend with high humidity and our evenings are always cool and pleasant.
      I'm looking forward to seeing your new "Do".

  3. Wonderful roses, Gina. Such rich colours. You must really enjoy them since they have to work hard to survive. I have a few bushes, but our area is rife with black spot and my leaves suffer. I don't like using chemicals, so I put up with the black spot. On hot dry summers, there is not so much. Have a good weekend.

    1. Dear Lorrie, I also don't believe in using chemicals. Every year a new pest shows up and I try to deal with it. Some of my roses are very old. They manage to survive along an eastern facing wall. When gathered, in a bouquet, the roses look as if I have an abundance of just looks that way.
      Thank you for your sweet comment.

  4. The year before last I had to replace eight rose bushes because of the harsh winter . . . so sad because they would have been three years old and were beginning to have their roots established and looked beautiful the year before. That's the life of a gardener. Every year is a new surprise, some good and some not so good. Your roses look amazing!
    Happy Summer!
    Connie :)

    1. Hello Connie,

      I know how you feel. How sad to lose your newly established rose bushes. It is true, that is the life of a gardener. That is easy to say but it is very disappointing. For some unknown reason my roses look better this year. I didn't cut them back in the Spring but waited until they were fully leafed out.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. It is so appreciated.
