Thursday, June 21, 2018

Radicals in my Garden

Radicals in my Garden

That is an Opium Poppy,  (papaver somniferum).

When I was a very young girl I spent a lot of time out in the country side gathering food for our many rabbits. 

Sooner or later I would run into a Poppy field. 

Often the pods were almost ripe but not quite. 

I would open a pod, empty the many seeds into my hand and hold my hand up toward the sun. 

Within seconds the unripe and green seeds would turn into black poppy seeds. 

Yes those innocent looking black seeds.  The kind you would sprinkle onto baked breads, cookies and cakes. 

As soon as the seeds turned black I would eat them.
All of them. 
All at once. 

I told no one.  

Have a great week dear friends.  



  1. Oh my. Did you feel any ill effects? Your poppies are gorgeous!

  2. Hi Lorrie, The seeds are not the culprit. It's the sap from the pod that presents a health problem. My favorite cake "Mohnkuchen" is baked with millions of opium seeds and has no debilitating effects.

  3. Wow Gina - I looked up Mohnkuchen cake and was really surprised at the amount of poppy seeds required - must be delicious!
    Your poppies are so beautiful - the colors amazing mixed with the roses - and of course your photos are perfect and so colorful.

    Hugs - from my garden to yours!
    Mary x

    1. Dear Mary,

      When in Germany or Austria my first stop is always at a Bäkerei. But you have to be early because by mid-morning the Mohnkuchen is gone.

      Thank you for your very nice compliment. It means a lot coming from such a fine photographer as you are.
      Happy Sunday.

  4. Dear Gina,
    the colors of those Opium Poppies are just outstanding. I used to buy a fragrance called Opium by Yves Saint Laurent, and now find it too strong. Only a very light scent will do. However, what happened after you swallowed those Poppy Seeds? Anything at all?
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,

      It's interesting that perfume is not as important as it used to be. At least I have noticed that. Maybe it's because I live in the country where perfume is not worn as much.
      As I recall nothing happened after I swallowed the poppy seeds. I would just go on my merry way collecting more greens for my rabbits.
