Sunday, October 14, 2018

Every vacation should begin here.

Relais Sant Elena

Just looking at my pictures makes me want to jump on a plane and head for Bibbona in Tuscany.

You may think that you have seen this collage from previous visits. 
But no, 
That is what is so special about Relais Sant Elena.
You can count on it being as good and as special as it was before. 

Beautifully located in a lovely little valley.

And where a most decadent chocolate cake was especially baked for Mr G's birthday. 
It needed no decorations, no candles, no flowers. 
It was beyond sensational. 

Speaking of Mr G. We were celebrating his 84th birthday.  
It was the blintzes he talked about while at home.  

Umbrella trees.  It's actually a Pine Tree.  I know that I'm in Italy when I see these beautiful trees growing in rows. 

And when you need a change of scenery, there is always the ocean, 
only fifteen minutes down the road. 

Some beaches are quiet, some are lively.  
You choose.

Your'e in Etruscan territory.  
So many interesting villages, churches and fortresses to visit.

All the while you have a quiet, peaceful and charming home to come back to. 

Even the Sant Elena sheep herd themselves.  They are free to roam and will choose their morning and evening pastures as if herded.  

You can set your watch by their movements. 

Auf Wiedersehen.



  1. I thought Dorset was the most beautiful place on earth, but now I wonder. Blintzes, chocolate cake, they look wonderful. I would love to stay there. Donna@Gather

    1. Hello Donna,
      Maybe I have put a little bee in your bonnet. There is no reason why you can not experience this beautiful place. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. OMG Gina - we didn't know it was Gene's birthday while you were away! Fabulous photo of him enjoying Sant Elena's delicious buffet - and that birthday cake must have been scrumptious. Sorry we missed his special day, and please be sure to wish him a belated VERY happy birthday from both Bob and me XX
    After I sent the email I was checking and found this awesome post from your trip. So beautiful there, glad the weather was sunny and bright for your photos. Love the sheep 'self-herding', the trees, and the views - can fully understand why you love visiting there.

    Stay warm and enjoy your paradise here at home - I miss you both.
    Mary xx

    1. Dear Mary,
      It seems that the sun always shines in that part of Italy. It was the perfect place to celebrate Mr G's birthday. Our "paradise at home" was hit by a severe frost last night. I suppose that is to be expected this time of year. Yet still, I mourn the demise of my flowers.

  3. One of my granddaughters always used to call those broccoli trees when she was small.
    Good gracious Mr. G looks nothing like 84 he looks so much younger - a belated happy birthday to him.
    Love your photos especially the collage of that wonderful spread of food.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Your granddaughter had it right. The trees look exactly like broccoli. I was told that they look more like ordinary trees when young. It is only, as they get older, that they are pruned to this broccoli shape.
      Mr G is walking with a lighter step today. He thanks you for your charming compliment.

  4. Dear Gina,
    Our best wishes to Mr. G. for many more happy visits to this marvelous place.....
    The word Etruscan reminds me of a history teacher who loved to talk about their high culture. I only wish I had paid more attention then. Your wonderful post and photos made me search the internet for more information about them. One site mentions the Etruscans "lebensfrohe Hochkultur". These two words alone make me want to know more.
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,
      Many years ago we visited the Etruscan Museum in Tarquinia. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of their art and history. As far as I know their origins have never been discovered.
      "Lebensfrohe Hochcultur" describes the Etruscans perfectly. You can see it in everything they have left behind for us to admire.

  5. I remember a previous visit to Saint Elena that completely blew me away with the beauty of the place and it's surroundings. Lucky you to have been able to visit again and celebrate a with such a yummy looking cake.
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

    1. Hello Maggie,
      When you find a treasure such as Sant Elena you have to, if you're lucky' go back time and time again. We have been there 5 times..hence the many posts I have written about them.

  6. Gina, armchair traveling for me and beautiful! Relais Sant Elena looks like a very special spot ... and the food! Wow!

    1. Hi Snap,
      Armchair travel often leads to the real thing. Just make sure that your passport is always up to date.

  7. Santa Elena looks like a wonderful place to visit and recharge. Your photos have me wishing I could jump onto a plane and be there tomorrow. Belated congratulations to Mr. G on his birthday. That cake looks amazing, rich and intensely chocolate. What wonderful memories you will have to talk about.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      Mr G thanks you for his birthday wishes. Rich and intensely chocolate perfectly describes his cake. When I first saw it I thought that it was just another chocolate cake. Not so. Now I wish we could have taken the rest home with us.

  8. oh my goodness, it looks wonderful. We were on a bus tour through Italy in May, but not enugh time to enjoy and absorb everything. Your images make me want to go back. Happy travels. I am joining you today from Mosaic Monday.

    1. Hello Jill,
      Italy is such a treasure. There are so many special places to discover that it is sometimes not prudent to spend so many days in one place. Taking a tour, as you have, is a good way to get acquainted with Italy.
