Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A perfect day

 The Haflingers, "Hit and Run"

were raring to go. 

Oops, his hairdo collapsed but he has no trouble seeing.  "Run" is used to having his mane draped over his eyes. 

Jingle bells never sounded sweeter. 

Almost forgot the horse hair plumes.  

All aboard, Tennessee knows how to talk to his horses, and to his mules.  For years he has made little boys and little girls (and many  adults) happy by taking them for rides winter and summer.  
Tennessee is our local "horse whisperer" and we are so lucky that he lives in our community. 

Thank you M'lisa and Craig for providing your beautifully restored antique sleigh. 

Off we go.  

Haflingers, also known as Avelignese, are a breed of horses developed in Austria and Italy.  They were first introduced in the Middle Ages.  Their ancestors come from the foothills of the Alps of  Austria and Italy, the area known as the Südtirol.  Haflingers  are known for their energetic but smooth and elegant gate. 

All Haflingers can trace their lineage back to "Folie" (born in 1874) through one of seven bloodlines.  

Our friend Craig, who loves carriages and owns many, made it all happen.  
Thank you Craig for giving us such a special day to start out the New Year.  



  1. Looks like fun, and so perfectly wintry! I, a resident of Southern California, am slightly jealous of all that beautiful snow. Also I'd just like to say I was recently introduced to your gorgeous blog by Mary at A Breath of Fresh Air and that I enjoy visiting here for a feast of color and design and loveliness.

    1. Welcome Sara, How nice of you to stop by. Thank you for your very nice comment. It is so appreciated.
      Mary is a very special friend of ours. I will thank her for sending you my may. Happy New Year to you and yours. xo Gina

  2. I do recall these handsome Haflingers pulling the sleigh through your beautiful snowy landscape to the accompaniment of jingling bells as it was such a magical scene. It is, in fact, the reason why, when I saw a sign for the Haflinger Stud in Austria, we called in to see these wonderful horses. If it had not been for your post I would not have known what Haflingers were.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      These are the only Haflingers I have had the pleasure of meeting. How lucky you were to have noticed that sign. Do you remember where in Austria you visited this stud farm?
      It was a magic day, the day of the sleigh ride.

    2. It was in the little village of Schwendau in the Zillertal region of Austria Gina. I think that you saw the post, but just in case I wrote about it here.

    3. Dear Rosemary,
      I re-read your very special post about your visit zum wunderschönen Zillertal. Judging from your beautiful photos you must have had a glorious time.

  3. Oh yes I recall this fabulous post Gina - now I’ve seen your beautiful land in Summer I want to come back in Winter⛄️❄️
    Hope the snow is perfect for spending some time outside, BUT I know it’s very cold there so take care and bundle up in those warm sweaters and coats!
    Hugs to you and Mr. G.

    1. Dear Mary,
      It is seldom that our temperatures drop this low. Unless you're used to temperatures at the North Pole, you would not want to be here at this time. It is COLD. Our pond is frozen solid except for a small area by the Spring.
      Not even Lola and Clyde come out of the water at breakfast time.
      Thank you for sending Sara my way. Hope your shoulder is improving every day. ox Gina

  4. Looks like there was a brisk turn about the fields on a perfect winters day! :D

    1. Hello Elizabeth,
      Thank you for stopping by. You are right, it was a perfect winters day.

  5. The sound of sleigh bells jingling through cold air is one I've heard a few times, and is always magical. What lovely horses and such a great way to start a new year. It does look chilly, though!

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      It has been very cold for too many days. You are further north from us but I don't think it is as cold in your area. Bundled up helps and sleigh bells do make a wonderful sound.

  6. Dear Gina,
    Everything I see on this post reminds me of a "Winter Wonderland". When dressed warmly adventures like these can be so much fun. Having lived in Canada for some years I do not miss the long winters. But I do have fond memories of a blue sky following a snowstorm, when everything seems to sparkle.
    Warmest hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,
      When living in the country one can sometimes relive childhood experiences. And so it was with this first day of the New Year in 2016.

  7. Haflingers, horse whisperers and lineage. What a gorgeous post. Thankx for sharing


    1. Hello Gillena,
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. Wishing you a great New Year.

  8. Gina - I love everything about this post, from the vintage sleigh to the gorgeous horses to the HUGE bells to the wintry scenes around you … the romantic in me is just sighing with delight. (When we used to attend the county fair in Ohio, one of the displays had Haflinger horses, and they competed in a number of events. And to think they all descended from one horse!!!) Thanks for sharing with our Mosaic Monday community! Happy New Year!

    1. Dear Angie,
      Those Haflingers are great horses. They have a wonderful temperament and being a little smaller than most horses, they are not as formidable, especially for a short person like myself. Hit and Run were happy to be out and never complained while pulling us through the snowy countryside.

  9. A carriage ride in the snow...always has been on the top few things I want to do, but still never have. The Haflingers are beautiful and strong looking horses. Happy New Year Gina~

    1. Happy New Year Mary and may 2019 be your best year yet. Who knows a sleigh ride may be coming your way one of these days. So never say NEVER. ox, Gina
