Sunday, January 13, 2019

In the blink of an eye.

Just like that, and it is done.

Puff Pastry sheets are the secret. 

I use my frozen apple filling.
(sliced and cooked apples with sugar and cinnamon added)

On a floured surface roll out puff pastry.
Brush with egg wash.

Cut into 9 squares.
Fill with cooked fruit.
Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until lightly browned. 

There are no failures.

Easy to follow instructions are printed on the box.  

Bottled apples also work.
Warm Summer days are locked into every bottle.  

We had lots of apples last summer. 
Will the coming year be as generous?  

Happy baking. 


  1. Dear Gina,
    Puff pastry is a wonderful item to have in the freezer. Easy to handle and very helpful in baking on short notice. I also fill it with spinach for a delicious and easy lunch. Love your apple tarts so beautifully presented and will be right over to help you eat them............
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, There all gone. Mr G walked off with the last two also carrying a tall glass of milk. I have tried my plums but have not tried spinach. It sounds delicious and I will give them a try. Thank you for the suggestion.

  2. We have just eaten our homemade apple and mincemeat crumble, so I am well replenished, but I could still find room for one of your delicious looking little apple tarts. Life is too short to make puff pastry, I always buy puff pastry too - it work a treat every time.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      I can't believe that it has taken me so many years to make this discovery. You homemade apple and mincemeat crumble also sounds delicious.

  3. Looks delicious. I love Puff Pastry too!

    1. Hello Erica,
      It seems that everyone has known of this special pastry except me. I will make up for lost time.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Carol. How nice of you to drop by for a visit.

  5. These look delicious. . . and so easy to make. A "dangerous" combination! ;-)

    1. So true Sara.
      It is a "dangerous" combination. I always end up eating more than my share.

  6. Oh Gina - how delicious this looks! I can smell the aroma of the apples and spices all the way over here! I think I enjoyed looking at your ceramic dishes as much as the pastry. And tulips! Already? A tasty post for this week's Mosaic Monday - thanks for linking up!

    1. Dear Angie,
      It will be a long while before tulips will poke their heads through the soil. However, they are showing up in our grocery stores.
      Thank you for hosting Mosaic Monday. Thank you also for leaving such a nice comment.

  7. Looks delicious! I love your colorful pottery & photos <3 Happy MM.

    1. Hello Riitta,
      Thank you for stopping by. It is so appreciated. Have a great week.

  8. Looks so yummy. Happy Monday mosiac


    1. Hi Gillena, Such an easy and quick way to impress your friends. Thank you for your visit.

  9. Oh I do love puff pastry delicate and whether savory, or sweet, always a treat. I love the what you said "Warmed Summer days are locked into every bottle" Beautiful! Is the drizzle on the turnovers also on the box, or is that your special recipe? Hugs from KY~

    1. Dear Mary, I didn't sweeten my apples much so a little sugar on top needed to be added. I made a topping of powdered sugar, melted unsalted butter and a few drops squeezed from a fresh lemon did the trick.
      I'm going to try the savory route next time. Thanks for the tip.

  10. I recall making puff pastry alongside my mother as a child - not an easy task! Like you Gina I too buy readymade - great to have on hand in the freezer for many fast desserts, and yes, I bet spinach and cheese would be delicious too. In England they make sausage rolls and even meat or veggie pasties with puff pastry. I loved your little apple pies when we visited - they were soooo good!

    Mary x

  11. Dear Mary,
    I do remember preparing a puff pastry for Beef Wellington. What a lot of work and it really wasn't that good. Maybe it was the meat I stuffed between the Puff Pastry and the Beef Wellington. I can't remember now what kind of meat it called for...maybe some kind of sausage. If I had only known about the prepared Puff Pastry then.

    We made apple pie when you visited? I can't remember that. And by the way, I can't go out the door without people remarking about my beautiful snoody... that beautiful piece of artistry that you gifted me. I wear it every single day and thank you over and over for keeping me warm in these very cold days.
