Tuesday, May 7, 2019

His last journey

Henry Eugene Garner 

1934- 1919

May you rest in peace.

Gene was a modest man.  His many nephews and nieces thought he was their "Dapper Uncle".   He never bragged of his deeds. His quick action and cool head saved several lives. 

On one occasion, while fishing on the Snake River, their boat capsized.  Two friends would have drowned if Gene hadn't been there to pluck them both from the river.   

Another time, during  dinner with a friend in a Denver Restaurant, he noticed  his friend  choking on a piece of meat,  and quickly performed the Heimlich maneuver, saving yet another life. 

Arriving home with friends one night from the Symphony Ball, they realized no one had their house keys.  Our friend, Ray McCarty, climbed a ladder to force open a second story window, but lost his balance, and fell backward.  Gene thinking fast, intercepted him, flipping him around in midair, enabling Ray to land safely on his feet.  The only injury was Gene's nose, which bore a scar for the rest of his life.  

Driving home from a golf game Gene noticed that the Driver was having a seizure.  They were going faster and faster.  Gene was sitting in the passenger seat and was able to reach the gas peddle and remove the drivers foot and at the same time take over the wheel.  Pulling over they met Highway Patrol.  Concered citizens had called in to report their erratic behaviour. 

Flying from Lima,  Peru to Cuscus, the plane had to make several landings to wait for better weather.  Each time the plane took off or landed,  a native Peruvian would experience seizures.  Gene  was first to notice, and take fast action to stop the man from swallowing his tongue. 

While walking to his office in Salt Lake,  a man collapsed suddenly on the cross walk in front of Gene.  And, of course, Gene was there to provide immediate aid. 

Most recently, a woman fell out of her wheelchair when it tipped over in a parking lot,  and guess who was right there to pick her up.  

Gene even saved a hapless squirrel once, during a picnic lunch when he noticed that it had gotten itself wedged into a tight hole.  He pulled the frightened critter free and actually ressescuated it.  

Gene was equally at home at the four Michelin star "Madame Point" restaurant in Lyon, France, the roulette table in Monaco or hoisting alfalfa bales, helping his Farmer friend with his every day chores. 

That is the man who was Gene.  That is the same Gene I have loved for 56 years.  



  1. Dearest Gina - you are a special lady who has had a place in my heart and thoughts throughout the last few weeks.

  2. Oh my dear Gina, I am so very sorry for your loss. You are in my heart and prayers.

  3. You know you continue to be held close to our hearts daily. He was a special, lovely gentleman whom we feel honored to have shared a few amazing days with.
    Love always dear Gina,
    - Mary & Bob

  4. I am so so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Kornelia

  5. Sorry for your loss. Must have been a lovely service.
