Thursday, January 31, 2019

Must paint more bowls

Large or small, it doesn't matter.  

No matter how many bowls I paint I never get to keep any of them. 
Unless they come out of the kiln as a reject. 
That is the fun part.  I never know. 

Some of my bowls take a little more time to paint.

Some are sweet and simple.

And then there is everyone's favorite, blue, blue and more blue. 

I enjoy painting this border.  I make it up as I go along.  It never ends up looking the same.  


Happy and easy.

Sometimes I even paint the outside.

Some hold a lot, some little. 

This is still my favorite bowl.  

Have a great remainder of the week, dear friends, 


  1. Your bowls are Gorgeous! Your painting is sublime! I admire your work hugely! I love all things Medieval... and seeing the dancing figures in the bottom of the bowl is a treat! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Dear Daydreamer,
      I also like Medieval figures and especially Medieval animals. I paint them often on tiles. They can then be framed and make for interesting conversations.
      Thank you for liking my bowls.

  2. What beautiful bowls you create, Gina. I love them all, although I tend towards the more simple designs. Wonderful!

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      I am so pleased that you like my bowls. I need to remember that less is more. I do get carried away sometimes thinking that my clients want More for their money.

  3. Dear Gina - each bowl is such a unique work of art, a perfect little gem. Everyone is very special, it would be so difficult to choose a favourite from them.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      I have painted so many, many bowls over the years. No doubt they have served many purposes in many households.
      Thank you for your lovely compliments.

  4. Dear Gina,
    as the owner of wonderfully executed special requests on a variety of plates from you I can only repeat these words by Voltaire: "Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,
      What a beautiful sentiment by Voltaire. And yes you have been the recipient of many of my ceramics. What I loved most about paining for you was that it was always a combined painting effort. With your good ideas and my brush and paints we came up with a few handsome pieces.

  5. Your bowls are gorgeous and cheerful. They remind me of Italian ceramics. You have a wonderful talent.

    1. Hello Su-sieee,
      The reason my ceramics remind you of Italian ceramics is because I have studied maiolica painting in Deruta, Italy. When there I bring back Italian pigments and glazes and I use the same firing techniques.
      I am so pleased that you like my bowls.

  6. Gina - you have a talent that is amplified by the fact that your bowls are destined for other people's homes. You hold nothing back, and it shows in your work. You must have very steady hands! Thanks for sharing these sublime collages with Mosaic Monday!

    1. Dear Angie,
      Bowls are so perfect for painting. And, they are so useful. I have customers who come back every year just to purchase new bowls for themselves or for their friends. They make great gifts.

  7. Your painted bowls are really fabulous!!!!

    1. Hello Riitta,
      I love painting bowls. They don't have to be masterpieces...just so they are pleasing and useful.

  8. What wonderful work you do! It shows that you enjoy what you create.

    1. Hi Betty,
      I do enjoy painting bowls. I never know how they are going to turn out. First there is the painting and then they have to survive the 1800 degrees for more than 8 hours. It usually turns out just fine.

  9. Your bowls are gorgeous and I'd love to have them in my home.

    1. Thank you Carol for your very nice compliment. It makes me happy.

  10. OMG they are gorgeous. Can i have one☺


    1. Of course you can Gillena. Head on over to my Etsy shop and send me a message.

  11. You are on my mind dearest friend. I was sure I'd left a comment here earlier when you first posted but don't see it. Google continues to play mean games with we Bloggers!
    Having seen so many of your beautiful bowls up close it's impossible for me to have a favorite - let's just say they are all favorites XX

    1. Dear Mary, My thoughts have travelled your way as well. We should have picked a few bowls for you when you were here. Next time.

  12. Today you are in my heart dear friend X

  13. Oh Gina, I see that it has been 4 weeks since your last entry and I do hope that you are doing well, enjoying life and maybe even traveling. Your bowls are all so lovely and I would have a hard time choosing. Take good care~ Hugs!
