Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm invited, will take a few pomanders,
and make some more for myself.  

It's quiet on the pond.  Lola and Clyde now have only a few ducks to keep them company.  

My favorites.

Gifts from my garden.

Wishing you and yours a most wonderful Day. 



  1. Dear Gina - have a lovely Thanksgiving - I am really happy to know that you will be spending it with friends.

    1. Thank you Rosemary. It is so nice to live in a small community (population 800). Everyone is a friend and all look out for each other.
      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  2. It was so lovely chatting with you the other evening Gina dear and knowing you are doing well! Bob and I will keep in touch through the winter months and hope to come your way for another visit in the coming year.
    Beautiful photos - and I can smell the pomanders from here!
    Glad your family and friends will help make your Thanksgiving tasty and happy.
    Woof to Sadie - hope she's behaving!
    Always, Mary xx

    1. Dear Mary, Sadie never behaves but she is a Charmer. She has learned so much in K9 training school that it even astounds me. It is the owner who needs more training.
      Looking forward to seeing more pictures. Yes we have Oceans from Sea to shining sea but when you are a land lubber, the ocean seems far away.

  3. Dear Gina,
    I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends. The pomanders will be much appreciated.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      Nothing makes the house more festive than the scent of freshly made pomanders...and they are not fattening.
      Wishing you and yours a most special Thanksgiving.

  4. I would have chosen those items for my Thanksgiving dinner, but I had some other choices which included two patés - one tomato and the other corn-based! Both were scrumptious! A man at the dinner had used his grandmother's recipe and had been a favorite of his! I will have to ask the hostess for his email address so I can try it at home! Your idea of taking pomanders is an excellent one that I will make a mental note for the upcoming holidays. They add so much with their beauty as well as their fragrance. I had to laugh at the "not fattening" part! When choosing gifts I try to avoid that part of the holiday experience, but I usually succumb to buying some special treat like peffernusse or lebkuchen which are only available around me during this time of year. My daughter is always appreciative and I have another friend with german heritage that I often buy something like that for her.

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Hi Mary, I think that you have Christmas celebrating and Christmas giving all figured out. I love old recipes such as Stollen filled with Marzipan and Glüwein when it is cold outside.
      Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year, ox, Gina

  5. Hello again, Gina! I see I made a typo when I typed pfeffernusse! I couldn't get them this year, Trader Joe's reported there was a problem in the manufacture and all of their order had been returned. Stollen filled with marzipan is absolutely irresistible - isn't it? Another one of my faves at this time of the year! This has been a very busy time for me and I regret I did not send my Christmas greetings to you. Wishing you a glorious new start to the year and to the decade, Gina. This would be the time I would love to take a guided tour of your greenhouse and have the opportunity to stroke some of the luscious stems and breathe in the fresh aroma from the blooms! Today, the greys are gone and I will be going out for some last-minute errands in a semi-bright sky before the New Years!

    Looking forward to more beautiful photos and sharing of your life near the lake and near the mountains!
    Mary in Oregon
