Saturday, November 2, 2019

It's not too late!

Ordinary candles, shall we make them special? 

Why not add a little gold.

You will need a few sheets of gold leaf and a bottle of 
size (glue).

All available in any craft store. 

Size (rabbit skin glue) comes in small bottles. 

  Pour a small amount of glue into a plastic container.

Brush on glue to lower part of candle. 
Wait about 30 minutes until glue is slightly tacky. 
Stays tacky for several hours.  

Lay gold leaf sheets onto candle. 
Polish with soft cloth or sheepskin.

While you wait for the glue to dry on candles why not gild a few's the same technique. 

After gilding the candle you can scribe a scrolling pattern into the goldleaf with the handle of a paint brush.  

See how special. A few candles with gold leaf, a few pomanders,  and fresh greens and a centerpiece is born.  

Have I convinced you yet?

Thank you dear friends for stopping by.  I am always so happy to hear from you.  


Repost from November 2015


  1. How clever you are, Gina! The centerpiece with the gilded acorns would turn anyone's eye! There must be silver leaf as a choice, too? I prefer silver to gold but I will keep this in mind for my friends who have gold decor in their home.

    We are having very chilly mornings here, nothing like you must be getting, but in the 30's. Some of my friends have reported their cars had to have their windshield's cleaned before driving, but I have a carport so no problems for me! You must really enjoy your greenhouse now! When I studied horticulture I loved to work in the greenhouses at our college during those cold winters in Illinois! So much green and freshness! Just wonderful.

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary,
      Yes, there is Silver leaf and also Copper Leaf and a mixture of all three. All of it is called Metal Leaf because it is not really gold. You can't tell the difference but the metal leaf will tarnish after a while. For some reason it stays bright on candles and also on raw cement. Anyway, it's all easy to do and a lot of fun.
      Yes my greenhouse gives me a lot of pleasure. We have had a few warmer days which was very welcome. I can see why you rally loved working in the greenhouses in your college days.

  2. What beautiful and relatively simple ideas, Gina. You're inspiring me to think about some holiday decor. Those gilded acorns are stunning, as are the candles. And you've put everything together in such a lovely centerpiece. Enjoy these November days.

    1. Thank you Lorrie for your kind words. Gilding is a fun project. It's not difficult. It looks a little messy for a while but soon, when polished, becomes a work of art. No reason to get the real gold ($85 per little book) versus &8 for the same amount. Have fun and please share pictures.
