Monday, December 30, 2019

Happy New Year

I wish you Joy all through the year.
I wish you Love of Family and Friends.

I wish you Happy Days that never end.

Happy New Year, 


  1. I'm loving this photo of Sadie at your front door. . . . . . and just wish I could step through again to all the beauty of your beautiful home dear Gina. Thinking of you today as a new year and decade are on the horizon. Hoping things will go well for us all with good health, good times, and memories that become easier and bring some happy comfort, not just sadness. You know we care about you and we are here if you need us. Stay warm and safe. . . . . . .and as Sadie is much larger now tell her to keep an eye on you - we're counting on her these snowy winter days!
    Love and hugs - all good things for 2020.
    Mary & Bob XX

    1. Dear Mary,
      You always know just the right thing to say. I will forever treasure your beautiful message. I am so thankful for many things. Friends are so important, especially those who I can count on when life decides to teach you a lesson or two.
      Sadie is a wonderful pal. She remembers all the things she was taught at the K9 school.
      I wish you and Bob a healthy, happy and adventuress New Year.

  2. Sadie is a gorgeous dog, and must be a great comfort to you dear Gina. Wishing you all the very best for the New Year 2020.

    1. Thank you dear Rosemary.
      Yes, Sadie takes up a lot of my time, which is good. She is a sweet dog, a little too exuberant now and then but that is part of being a puppy.
      Hope your computer issues will soon sort themselves out. I know how frustrating it is because I just went through the same thing.
      Wishing you and your family a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year,

  3. Your photo says so much to me: our pets are so important in our lives. They are there waiting patiently until we return and we are always anxious to see them, as well! Last night when I returned from seeing Greta Gerwig's Little Women with my daughter and her friend, Matisse was waiting on the stairs when I opened the door! I had just enough time to warm the insulin in my hand and feed him a little before the 12-hour time frame had expired. It is such a comfort to me to hear him purr and to know that he loves me as I love him. Labs are celebrated for that warm, human bond they have with their owners and I bet Sadie is no exception! Happy New Year Gina & Sadie!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary,
      I was always a dog person but have ended up with the most charming cats over the years. They always just happened to adopt us. One Summer, when we had a large family get-together a little kitten just walked through the open doors and stayed. Pasha was handed to me after he was rescued from the top of a tree by the fire department. I have loved them all.
      Did you like Little Women? It will be a while before it is available in our area.
      I thank you for stopping by and leaving such an uplifting message. I wish you and yours a very happy and healthy New Year.

    2. I absolutely adored Little Women! This adaptation lives up to the review and the interview I heard with Ms. Gerwig. I had seen the PBS version a couple of years ago - or maybe even last year. I loved that one, too - but this version is much different on the production side! There are many scenes in the first half of the movie that are filled with people - street scenes, party scenes and active scenes that the camera really zips around. The costumes really inspire me and I just read a Vogue review of the 2020 fashion trends and the first one they state is the Prairie Dress! When the camera was zipping around, my inner voice was saying, "...slow down a minute, let me enjoy all those dresses and hairstyles!" The scenery is really just like I've remembered New England looking when I spent a summer in East Greenwich, R.I. with my future husband and his parents in 1972. There was a scene at the beach that resembled a famous impressionist painting of women in white billowing dresses, men in short pants with kites, and powder blue sky with puffy, white clouds. My daughter and I couldn't exactly identify the painter and I tried IMDB (Internet Media Database) to see if it was there. I came up empty-handed, so I will need to just look at Singer-Sargent's and Mary Cassatt's paintings to see if I can find the one that Greta must have had in mind when she set the scene! I hope you can see it when it comes to your area.

      Mary in Oregon

    3. Dear Mary, I can't wait to see Little Women. The snippets I have seen look very promising. Whenever a film comes out which shows so much care in just the materials and fashions, it is sure to be a wonderful experience. Thank you for your review. Now I just have to be patient until Little Women comes this way.

  4. Happy New Year, Gina. I hope this next year will bring comfort, healing, and joy for you. Sadie is a sweet dog. One of my granddaughters is named Sadie and she's also very sweet.

  5. Dear Lorrie,
    Thank you so very much for your lovely message. I always enjoy visiting your beautiful blog. Each post is so uplifting and beautifully written. I hope that the New Year brings you and your dear Ones Joy, good health and lots of Happiness.
