Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Snow

The fluffiest, prettiest snow fell during the night.

The pond is only partway frozen.

The tractor is still in the barn, waiting for the next snow storm. 

Soon, all but where the water originates from, will be frozen.  At the Spring the water temperature is a steady 65 degrees.
It never freezes. 

See that little dog in the right bottom of the picture.  
That is Sadie, my Golden Lab.  

In about the same place, six weeks ago, that sweet little dog, ran over me, laid me out flat on the ground.  

Both ankles and one knee were twisted. 
A cast and crutches are still standing by. 

Wishing you a better beginning for 2020. 
Happy New Year, 


  1. The beginning of this post looked and sounded so wonderful...and then I read about Sadie's and your "explosion" (I can't seem to come up with any other word!). How terrible. Poor Sadie and all of her excitement to end up causing such a situation. She and you probably felt shocked and you must have really hurt. 6 weeks must be close to the end of your recuperation - maybe 1/3 left to go??? I hope it goes quickly, Gina.

    2020 can only get better - right!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary,
      That is the correct word. That is what it felt like, an explosion. Sadie is much too exuberant...but then she is still a puppy. She hit me so hard that it must have hurt her, as well. She hasn't made one of those surprise greetings since. We are both learning. I'm almost all better. Thank you for your good wishes.

  2. Oh Gina! What a happening! I'm so sorry for your injuries. Sadie is certainly enthusiastic. I hope you are healing well.
    Your view across the pond to the mountains is a beautiful one, and I trust you find pleasure in looking across the landscape while you are laid up for awhile. Wishing you a healing New Year.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      I am healing well Thank you. It just takes a little longer when you are my age. I never wanted to admit that but that is the way it is.
      We built our new house in this spot because of the existing pond. We have not changed anything...but left it the way we found it. Happy New year to you and yours.

  3. Take care Gina - especially in this snow and from your sweet little dog. Hope that your twisted ankles and knee are now healing well.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      I keep calling Sadie my sweet little dog. Actually, she is almost fully grown. She does look like she is small in the picture. Probably because she is going so fast. I'm almost all better. Getting around quite well. Wherever I go I am wearing fur boots from Italy that are non slip.

  4. Is that Lola or Clyde just visible as Sadie cavorts in the fresh snow? The scenery is awesome as always, perhaps even more beautiful when the mountains are so clear and spectacular in the distance, and the pond appears as a vast lake welcoming many winged visitors on a cold winter's day.
    Glad you are healing Gina but it will take time and you need to continue to be careful with the slippery conditions outside.
    Sending new year love and hugs - Bob and I recall every pretty detail these lovely photos show of your paradise.
    Mary X

    1. Dear Mary, You don't miss much. I didn't see the goose in the picture. That is Clyde. I can tell by the way he stands and that he doesn't have a low-slung body. I don't see Lola...they are always together.
      The pond provides a lot of entertainment. Summer and winter there are always comings and goings.
      Have a wonderful New Year and maybe you will come for another visit.

  5. Your house is strikingly lovely against the winter backdrop. I hope to browse your beautiful ceramics more. Sadie looks quite determined and energetic in that photo; I can see how she could run you down. May your healing be as swift as possible!

    1. Hi Gretchen,
      Thank you for your visit. Sadie is still a puppy. She IS showing signs of slowing down a bit. She is a sweet dog. We will get along just fine and I'm almost healed.
