Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The other direction

Have I shown you the other side of our valley?

Horseshoe Mountain to the East of our house.

I tend to take pictures of the view to the West. 
There is always so much going on.

This is the "little Horseshoe"
There is another, much larger Horseshoe, behind this one. 
Elevation 6,201 feet. 

 We know what kind of water year we are going to have by estimating when the last snow will melt from Horseshoe.

Come Summer, breath taking scenery, will take you there 
by way of the famous "Skyline Drive".  

Mark it on your calendar.  


  1. A beautiful situation for your home, for sure! Animal life is so exciting to observe and your photo of the ducks enjoying the water certainly shows that! I have lots of wildlife around my home, too! My cat really enjoys looking out to see what's happening around here: deer, turkeys, squirrels, oftentimes opposums and, of course, lots of birds attract his attention.
    Even though snow had been forecast there was only snow on the distant coastal range and then on other hills that are only visible once I go down the hill into the city. The changing weather patterns keep me on my toes and I do love to look at the hills and enjoy their beauty! I can often see one of the Three Sisters mountain range when the clouds do not obstruct the view! There is usually snow on their caps!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary,
      I remember seeing your beautiful Three Sisters Mountains many years ago. We don't have opposums in our area. The closest would be raccoons. Is your cat an inside cat?

    2. Yes, Matisse is an inside cat, Gina. When we got our first rescue kitty the Veterinarian encouraged me to keep our feline safe from all of the dangers that he could potentially encounter so I decided to follow her advice. Of course, there have been a handful of times for each of the kitty's lives (1 kitty only at my home at a time!) that they managed to escape out the door. Thank heavens there were no encounters with machine or animals - that I know of!
      The Three Sisters are magnificent; although I have not yet experienced them up close. Many of my friends have hiked up one of them in just a few hours time. I still would like to do that...

    3. Hi Mary, I can see why you would want to keep your kitty inside. Our cats have always adopted us and were very used to combat with the elements and some of the wildlife that roams around our property. We do carry Pasha to the greenhouse every night where he has a nice little house to sleep in.

  2. You have dramatic views in either direction, Gina. I love the wide open spaces. We have been inundated with snow and schools are cancelled and many businesses closed. I am happy to stay home and look at the beauty outside my windows today. I did go for a walk earlier that was quite lovely. I'll look forward to seeing the summer scenery of Skyline Drive!

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      I love taking walks in the new snow. We have not had a lot of it. Hopefully we will get more. Our Farmers rely on moisture to keep their fields and crops growing. Our friends have wondered why we like living in the country. It is because of those wide open spaces your mentioned.
