Friday, March 20, 2020

There is good news

At least there is some hope.

The antimalaria drug hydroxychloroquine, a possible treatment for the Coronavirus.  

The medicine is easily available and inexpensive.  

For now, because of my age, I am home sheltered.  I live in a very small community.  
Friends call and check on me every day. 

There are no flowers outside.  It snowed last night. 
My gardening is happening on the inside.  

I have been busy painting tiles for new kitchens in Vermont and in Wisconsin
You see only a small portion of this very large mural.  
It still needs to be fired.

I love how my client designed her tiled wall.  I had no idea how she was going to use my tiles.
  I would say that it is a winner.  

I always have a lot to do.  I am never bored.  
This crisis will pass and sooner than we think. 

In the meantime I have my sweet Sadie who never lets me out of her sight. 

Take care, dear friends. 


  1. Gina, that's a gorgeous photo of sweet Sadie - the light being perfect for the shot - and the chair's upholstery colors so lovely with Sadie's color, especially her ears and eye! I'm glad to note she is sitting still now - must be lovely having her around - and behaving better now that she's outgrowing puppyhood!!!!!
    Are your amaryllis actually blooming now? They are beautiful - as is the glimpse of more snow which hopefully will help keep the virus at bay. . . . . . . . brrrrr!
    Glad you have some painting commissions to keep you busy - the tiles on the wall look awesome.
    I've taken that anti-malarial medication every time I've gone to Africa - only side effect I had was a sore throat, so I pray that it might be a way to combat the coronavirus.

    Stay vigilant - I know being in such a small community you will have minute or perhaps no exposure - and am sure there are no tourists coming any time soon. Has Das Cafe had to close?
    Sending huge hugs and love from us both XX

    1. Dear Mary,
      Sadie is such a smart little girl (that is what all owners say), She learns quickly...makes it easier. Yes, I have been very busy with new tile and mural projects. So I am glad that Tax due dates have been changed to July 15th.
      Das Cafe is only open for take-out. So far our small community has not been affected by the virus. However, all of us are vigilant. And as the temperatures get warmer, the possibilities of being infected with the virus is reduced. My Apple blossom Amaryllis has only 2 blossoms right now but a new series of buds are emerging from the bottom. I kept them in the cool greenhouse for a long time so that I could enjoy them a little later and into the spring.
      Please be vigilant.

  2. Dear Gina - at this moment in time I would love a little dog like Sadie to stroke and then be given a reassuring nuzzle - dogs are so protective and loyal to we humans.
    Your tiles are lovely and all of your clients must delighted to have them on their walls.
    I have not heard about the antimalaria drug hydroxychloroquine being a possible treatment for the Coronavirus - let's hope that it might be a possibility, but sooner rather than later.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      The good news is that our doctors, in hospitals, are quietly using Chloroquine in combination with Remdesivis to treat patients and treating them successfully. Many are skeptical but controlled studies have shown that these medicines actually work. Since both medicines have already been approved and used for many years there really is no reason why they can not be used until something better (if ever) comes along.
      And yes, my Sadie is a wonderful companion. She looks out for me and protects me from many imaginary evils.

  3. OMG, Gina - your hand painted tiles are to die for! If I had bothered to read your blog more thoroughly, I would have seen them before, but I am so distracted by so many things - as most of us are - that I only just now noticed them. Shame on me! I notice you live in Ohio, and I live in California. My house is in need of some serious redecorating, but I am not quite there yet. Please tell me how I can arrange to purchase some of your lovely tile work. I'm assuming that all of it is custom made, as I don't see anything to purchase at your online store. Love your beautiful pictures, too. Stay safe and healthy!

    1. Hello Lisa,
      You just made my day. What lovely compliments. I would love to paint a few tiles for you. I live a lot closer to you than you think. I live in central Utah and not in Ohio. You can easily reach me through my Etsy shop (see upper right sideline) or contact me via email( Not all of my work is by custom order. There are a lot of items that are available in my Etsy shop CountryVillaCeramics. Take care, Gina

  4. Dear Gina,
    Your tiles are so beautiful. What a lovely way to pass the days, painting. Spring will come soon, although the cold and snow can be discouraging. Here today I planted my sweet peas outdoors, and some snow peas for eating, along with carrots and radishes.
    I'm glad that you have a community surrounding you, and people who look out for you. Hugs across the miles.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      I read something interesting years ago. The person planted carrots and radishes together. He then began harvesting his radishes and at the same time made room for his carrots to grow. In the meantime he kept down weeds and reduced the usual thinning of carrots.
      I do love painting ceramics. I never tire of waiting to see how my ceramics look after they have been fired. Often there are good surprises, sometimes not.

  5. Your Sadie looks lovely. And your designs are gorgeous. I'm currently filling my time making lap quilts, but I have a list of spring cleaning to do!

    1. Hi Polly,
      Thank you for your lovely compliment. How large are lap quilts? Do you knit, crochet or sew them? They sound very interesting.

  6. I have followed your blog since it started I don't comment often first I'm so sorry for your loss my husband passed away 5 years ago so I know how you feel I always have thought your art was wonderful as well as your home.Your dog is sweet I have 2 little Chinese crested that keep me busy.I hope spring comes for us all soon and this virus is put to rest!

  7. Dear Meme, Do you realize that you have been visiting my blog for 10 years? What loyalty! During those 10 years some of my favorite (and no doubt some of your favorite) blogs have disappeared. I loved so many of them and wish that they would come back.
    I am sorry for your loss. It is impossible to know how one feels unless it happens to you. I am glad that you have your little Chinese dogs to keep you company. I needed a little larger dog. She helps me keep 4 legged and two legged and the many birds in line.
    Stay save, Gina
