Sunday, June 28, 2020

Anyone for Billiards in the French countryside

Playing Billiards at Chateau d' Azay-le-Rideau


Not too large, you will feel right at home. 

engraving N. Arnoult, 17th c.

Games of this type were the principal amusement of the nobility in the 17th century.

The Chateau is a small gem situated in the heart of Tourainne, in the Loire Valley, south and west of Paris. 

If in the past you have shied away from the Chateau region, overrun by tourists, then visit Chateau d'Azay-le-Rideau for a refreshing experience.

It is filled with beautiful artifacts.  It is a magical place. 

Counsellor, Notary and Secretary to King Louis XII, Gilles Berthelot, an astute Financier, purchased the old fortress in 1510. 

The Chateau was embellished by succeeding generations. It is a small gem of the French Renaissance. 

Arrive at the Chateau in the morning so that you can take  time for a leisurely lunch at the Etape Gourmande at Domaine de la Giraudiere, a fine rustic farmhouse restaurant. Located between Villandry and Druye (closed November through March).

Charming owner Beatrice provides an excellent,  if limited,  menu of fine country cuisine.

It's a little difficult to find (just follow your GPS) but so worth it.

A very healthy and handsome fig tree was right on our way to the car.  It was late September, the figs were not yet ripe. 

We had to try just one.

  Not far from the Chateau, in the lovely village of Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud, the charming restaurant-hotel is the perfect home base for the western Loire Valley.  Hotel la Croix Blanche faces the Abbey Fontevraud, another fascinating place to visit. 

Happy Sunday to you my dear

Blogging Friends.


Monday, June 22, 2020

Eye Foolery

Foolery with paint

It was a piece of pressed, re-cycled material.

Trompe-l'oeil Copper (Verdigris) finish.
It was an ugly orange plastic pot.  

The clock mechanism can be purchased in any craft store. 

These clocks use little energy.  Batteries last years. 

I still know the gentleman who bought it. 

I painted hundreds of them. All sizes. 
This was my favorite.  

 Didn't even keep one for myself. 

And then one day, I stopped.

The hardest part is getting out the paints. 

Be safe,


Thursday, June 18, 2020

What happened?

Where are they?

No birds in sight.

Many wild ducks and wild geese brought their newly hatched only a few days ago. 

 The usual Voyeur has taken over. 

Often it looks like this.

Not a duck or a bird anywhere.

I think I know what happened. 

Two nights ago I heard a big ruckus outside.
That usually means that Raccoons are coming by for an easy meal.  

Early in the morning my dog Sadie brought back a dead Canadian Goose.  
The adult goose had been killed hours ago.
(Not by my dog)

Now only our resident geese Clyde and Lola are left.
They can't fly. 

Not hiding in the overgrowth.

The log they like to sit upon ...unoccupied.

Day three.  Are they gone for good?  
How sad that would be. 

I wonder how long it will take for them to come back.

Be strong, be safe my dear friends. 

About spell check in New Blogger.   Highlight misspelled word then right click on it and 3 choices will appear. 
Better than nothing. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

They are back

Now is the time to look for 

The Costco Pound Cake, Three in a package,  

(is only baked in the summer time) 

It is the basis for a very special cake.  

"The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers" Cake

also known as the DUP Cake.

Are you 18 years or older? Are you a lineal descendant of an ancestor who came to Utah before the completion of the railroad on May 10, 1869?  If so, you might win this cake!

Every year I am asked to contribute my famous, home made cake to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers (DUP) bake sale. The first year it was auctioned off to a Professor of History from the "Big City". 
The next year a member of the DUP won my cake.

The very next year, I received a phone call the night before the bake sale asking me when exactly would I be bringing the cake. The caller was waiting for me at the front door. The next year, the organizer met me at the door and the cake disappeared.

The following year I received a phone call, asking me to please bring my home made  cake AND the cake recipe. My recipe? Oh no, I can't do that. It is a secret. But I will share my secret with you.

So simple, all you need is one pound cake, your favorite preserves and Butter Cream (recipe follows).

Cut pound cake (your own recipe, Sarah Lee or from Costco) into 3 or 4 slices.

Butter Cream: cream together 1½ sticks soft, unsalted butter,

2 to 2½ cups powdered sugar and

2 to 3 TB fresh lemon juice.

On first layer spread your favorite fruit preserve.

Next layer spread butter cream filling, and last layer, more preserves.

Cover entire cake with the remaining butter cream.  Decorate with violets or little violas.

Refrigerate. Keeps well. 

Even better the next day. 

Have a lovely weekend my dear

Blogging Friends


Partial re-post from 2012

Monday, June 15, 2020

First too hot and then too cold

It was 97 degrees Fahrenheit 2 weeks ago.  Unheard of for this high desert area.

And then the temperatures plunged to 27 degrees.

I knew that my 20 year old geraniums would not make it.  For three days they filled several rooms in the house.  

Outside I covered every tender plant and seedling with whatever I could find. 
Those round shapes are wire cages which I had just removed from my tender young trees.  Trees have to be protected from deer who nibble on the bark in winter and eventually kill the tree. 

Finally, plants and furniture could be moved outside.

When  daisies begin to bloom, it is the sign that Spring has finally arrived.

Daisies will spread like wildfire which is fine with me.

Shady areas are now welcome.

Little Goslings are growing up. 

And so is Sadie. 

Wishing you a save and happy week, 

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Beautiful little corner of the world

For some time I have wanted to tell you about a very special place in Upper Bavaria. 

These guys had faces made of velvet.

A spectacular summer storm is raging outside...a good time to tell you about one of my most favorite places in this world.  

The Hotel Gasthof Metzgerei Keindl is a good place to start our journey.
But where is this place you say? 

There are two little towns. Oberaudorf and Niederaudorf.
You will find them hidden in a valley between Munich and Insbruck. 

Not so far from the Alps.

The church is tiny but it's treasures within are formidable. 

When the cows come back from the mountains they always stop first by  this fountain. 

They do this every night. 

They spend their days in the mountains. This is where you can hike to your heart's content.  

Or you can stay in the valley visiting the Kloster Reisach in Unteraudorf. 
There are walking and bicycle routes everywhere. 

A fine Konditorei awaits you in Oberaudorf. 

Cafe Luckner (das Torten Paradies) 
serves great coffee, fabulous ice cream, finest chocolates and oh, those amazing cakes. 



She's got it made. 

One thing I could never  figure out is where 
Niederaudorf and where Oberaudorf belong on the map.  
But they are so close together that it doesn't matter.  

Auf Wiedersehen  

Stay well dear friends, 