Saturday, August 22, 2020

Knee deep in Alligators

 I'm knee deep in Alligators.

I'm taking a short break from blogging.

The weeds are taking over.

I must teach them a lesson. 

Take good care of yourselves,


Friday, August 14, 2020

Don't cut the sunflowers, they always do.


The Mail must go through.

The last two men who had carried the mail had been killed by Indians. 

Hans Jorgen Hansen said he would carry the mail.  He would do it without fail, as the mail must go through.

Hans had a fine mare.  She could outrun any horse the Indians had.  His horse had keen instincts, she knew how to avoid any Indian ambush.

Hans told the authorities that he had a 16 year old son by the name of  Niels Peter who could ride as well as any Indian. 

They took turns carrying the mail between Ephraim and Spring City.

Most rides were uneventful as the country was wide and open in the mid 1800s, and still is today.   They could see in all directions. 


But near Spring City was a place known as Pigeon Hollow.  Throughout the Hollow were clumps of sage brush and cedar trees. There was always danger of an Indian ambush.

But the faithful little mare always sensed their presence.

She would race through the Hollow.  The disappointed Indians  would come racing out from behind in hot pursuit trying to overtake them.

When Niels was far enough away from his pursuers he would rein up to a stop, turn and wave to the Indians.  The Indians too would bring their mounts to a rearing halt, brandishing their weapons.  It soon became a game. 

Pigeon Hollow road today. 

Have a great week my dear



Partial re post of Sept. 2012

Monday, August 10, 2020

Makes my heart sing.


A little color to brighten your day. 

                                  I give credit to the new soil. 

          Opium Poppies  (Papaver Somniferum)  grown from saved seeds. 

Wishing you a happy and healthy remainder of the week, 


Friday, August 7, 2020


 Hanging in the tree yesterday morning. 

Made into Apricot Preserves this morning.  

There is only one tree in this valley which bore apricots.  All others froze, including mine.  

Apricots make my favorite preserves. 
I asked around, even on Facebook. 

Low and behold, only a street away, my good friend M'lisa has an old Apricot tree and it is loaded with apricots.  

It pays to have good friends.  Cherish them as long as you can. 



Thursday, August 6, 2020

A Fire in the nearby mountains

 changes color in the valley.
It bathes everything in a special light. 

Even simple things take on more importance.

Little flowers glow in the light. 

Open fields are greener.

Old does not look quite so old. 

Even one lonely hollyhock, growing through a crack,  is bathing in the sun.

The fire is almost out, they say.  

Have a safe and happy week, 