Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Apples, Apples and more Apples.

Every other year we have a huge apple crop.

What to do with all those apples. 
If you live in this little town you can take them to the Post Office and leave them by the door.  
Soon they will have found a new home.  

I'll get the ladders out and invite my friends and neighbors. 
The pig farmer gathers the fallen apples
and the deer take care of the rest.  

 The apple press is rolled out again. 

It's easier going if we first cut up the apples into smaller pieces.  

 The most intensely flavored and concentrated apple juice  is the result. 

The light frost made them sweet and ready to pick.

Have you seen this little wonder of an apparatus?
It peels, cores and slices, all with one motion, apples and pears and potatoes.

And pears already picked.

For the perfect pear pie. 

 There are many more apples to pick and/or press.  

Have a lovely week my dear friends. 



  1. We too have a glut of fruit Gina, but I do love your apple press. My mother had an apple peeler, corer, and slicer similar to yours, and now I am wondering whatever happened to it.
    Really admire your sunflowers in their lovely blue and white vase.

  2. Dear Mary,
    It's definitely worthwhile to find your mother's apple peeler. I wore out one of them a few years ago and was amazed how easy they are to find and for very little money. I don't have many gadgets in my kitchen because I like doing things by hand. However, this little machine is a real time saver.
    Sunflowers and blue and white spells summer and is also my favorite combination.

  3. Apples lovely, but that pear pie awesome!!!!

  4. This must be the off year for our apples as we had much less fruit than last year. I made applesauce and we ate a few and they are gone. Your apple peeler/slicer is a miracle machine and would save so much work. The fresh apple juice is making my mouth water from here!
