Monday, November 9, 2020

An experiment turns into a moneymaker.

It's called Serendipity.

Can you guess what these are? 

I have painted hundreds of these

Sometimes they have names

Always over-the-top simple designs.

No two are alike.

Clue: A beauty product, it has two sides to it.

Comment Moderation is in place. 

Let me know if you need more clues.

New clue:  It is hand held but when not in use it can hang in your bathroom.

Another new clue.
One side is pretty the other side does the work.

Have a great week dear friends, 


  1. As a beauty product I wouldn't have a clue! But they are beautiful pieces.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      Thank you for giving it a try.

  2. I don't have any idea whatsoever Gina.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      These are painted on once fired clay.

  3. Hmmmm, don't recall seeing these before Gina - but they are so pretty. At first I was thinking very fancy keepsake 'gift tags' but guess beauty product doesn't fit. Notice some have holes for hanging, others don't.

    I'm going to need another clue, please!
    Rosemary always is such a good 'guesser' - but if she doesn't know I don't feel quite so bad!

    1. You are correct dear Mary. you have not seen these before. I have been painting them for many years but not published them. I can't give away too many clues. I may have to e-mail you, Rosemary and Lorrie the answer.

  4. At first glance, I thought you were painting bookmarks. But, then you said it was a beauty product. How about a ceramic "spoon" that is washed each time after using to scoop out a bit of moisturizer before applying to one's face?

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Very clever and original. Mary, but no.
      Mary I inadvertently removed your comment pertaining to losing Lola. I'm so sorry.
