Friday, November 13, 2020

This new clue will do the trick.

Dear Friends, please try again. 

Another new clue.
One side is pretty the other side does the work.

Have a great week dear friends, 


I call my invention "Fancy Feet".  They are made of clay and measure 2 by 6 inches each.  After painting them with Italian powder pigments they are then glazed and my secret formula is applied to the working side.  They are then fired, in my kiln, to 2,000.00 degrees Fahrenheit to last many lifetimes. 

Be happy, be safe, 


  1. Well, I think the other side might be rougher, so perhaps it's a good abrasion tool of some sort.

  2. Dear Lorrie,
    You are mighty close. In fact, you have given my readers some pretty good clues.

  3. Dear Gina - may be it has a mirror on the other side!

  4. Dear Rosemary,
    No not a mirror but something even more useful. Thank you for not giving up. You are all getting very close to solving the riddle.

    1. My last effort - it has a finish that enables it to act in the same way as a pumice stone!

    2. Yes, Rosemary. it is a foot scrubber and much prettier than a pumice stone. Congratulations! I knew that you would figure it out.

  5. Emery board or something to smooth your heels?

    1. Hello Joyce, right on! My foot scrubber is 6 inches long and 2 inches wide. It is hand painted on one side and a special formula is painted on the other side. It is fired in my kiln to 200,00 degrees to make it last a lifetime. Thank you for playing along.

  6. Hi Janike. Not exactly. But you just gave me a great idea. I tried it with the foot scrubber but it didn't work. However, I have a new plan based on your suggestion. Thank you for participating and thank you for your visit.

  7. I had a feeling it could be foot-related perhaps, haha! What a fabulous idea Gina, and so much prettier to hang in the bathroom than a pumice stone.

    Garlic grater sounds probable with sharper/rougher finish if possible. . . . . .but I would try using it as a nutmeg grater! Have been looking for a replacement one for my little metal one which is the one I've used for half a century at least!!!! It's worn down now.

    I have another idea for you to consider - will send in an email later.
    Have a nice Sunday.
    Hugs - Mary

  8. How very creative, Gina! I was thinking perhaps something to set one's toothbrush on after loading it with paste, should suddenly the phone would ring, and the vertical brush keeper would not allow the paste to stay put (!). (My phone always seems to ring when my teeth / mouth is full of paste & water! But a foot scrubber is fabulous! I'm wondering what happened that you hadn't expected with a glaze or something else to arrive at this 'happy' solution?

    Mary in Oregon

  9. Dear Mary,
    Wow Mary, there's an idea. Whenever I pose a question, on this forum, I get some of the most interesting ideas. Yours is certainly original.
    I'm always experimenting with textures. Most of the time nothing new happens. I don't know what made me think of using the newly discovered surface on my feet. Often, I go around barefoot because our floors are heated. Maybe that is why I needed something new to try.
