Monday, June 7, 2021

Apricots are next

Canning season has begun

Red Currants are ripe.

 Labels have to be affixed

Next are sour cherries, 
Will my owl come back to guard over them?

Sour cherries, perfect for winter pies.

and Cherry Likör

Some are reserved fir little tartlets.

Three bites and they're gone.



  1. Dear Gina - you appear to have bags and bags of energy - if you have any spare, please send some of it over to me. So many delicious things that you have made here - I am now awaiting the arrival of apricots which have just begun to turn up in our shops again and I will make some French Conserve.

  2. Dear Rosemary,
    Apricots make my most favorite preserves. My recipe is very simple, 3 ingredients, apricots, sugar and lemon juice. I would love to know how you make your French Conserve.

    1. I expect that it is almost the same as yours Gina, but I haven't tried making it with lemon juice added.

  3. Dear Gina,
    Those little cherry tartlets look very tempting!
    I'm struck by the sudden change of seasons that you experience. Not long ago it seemed that our spring was slowly unfurling while you were still in the midst of winter. Now our fruit is not even near to ripening and you are putting up preserves already! What a world we live in!

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      For the past few years we have had the coldest and longest winters and then, all of a sudden, temperatures in the nineties. No Spring. Summer all of a sudden. My garden doesn't know what to do.

  4. Your photos and words make everything look enchanting. Thank you for sharing beauty.

    1. Hello Angie,
      Thank you so much for your very ice compliment. Hope you come back for another visit/visits.

  5. Oh How I Have Missed Your Shares Gina! From Covid for 15 months and my identical twin sister passing away from cancer a year ago this past week...the care of her through her battle for 13 months, all just totally took my life over. It has been so difficult for me to resume many things and I have missed this so much. There have only been a handful of posts in all of this time. Your sour cherries in all treatments look so delightful. The Great Horned Owl, what a cool find atop your house. I wonder what it was after from up there. I hope that you and your family are doing very well. Take good care~

    1. Dear Mary,
      I hope and wish that your life becomes easier for you. I hope that every day is a new and happy day.
      The owl shows up every year when the cherries ripen. Often the tree is full of birds and the owl would like nothing better than making one of them his feathery meal.

  6. I've missed this post and missed YOU so very much dear Gina. All looks delicious here - I could enjoy a cherry tartlet right now, but only if sitting down and sharing with you in person!
    How different life is - so uncertain and traveling still up in the air - well not really - more like deflated dreams dragging along the ground!
    Love from us both.

    1. Dear Mary,
      What occupies my mind is 'can we travel oversees or not'. I can't afford to be quarantined somewhere in Europe. We will just have to see how things evolve. After all, I'm not going until October.
      My little greenhouse fig tree has 10 figs ripening. I know, your laughing. I see your magnificent fig tree in your beautiful garden photos.
