Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The ongoing saga

It's official ... Clyde is not the Father

But you can't convince Clyde, our white Emden domestic goose.

He has raised and protected them from the day they were born.

The little ones thought he was their Father.

Not one of the almost grown goslings is white

The wild Canadian Geese will soon fly away
 and Clyde will be all alone again. 

OR POSSIBLY his new girlfriend will stay with him.

That would make everyone happy. 


  1. You have a soap opera going on in your pond! I hope Clyde will not be lonely.

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      I didn't used to get involved in the private lives of our feathered friends...however, it is just too interesting not to be part of it.

  2. Poor Clyde! Could it not be that the genes traits and colourations are more dominate with the Canada Geese and maybe he is the father? I have no clue how those things in the Goose world work, but this is a very sweet story~

    1. The recessive gene theory was my first thought, too!

    2. Dear Mary,
      Very interesting, your theory. I can see why color could play into the gene theory but the proof in the pudding will be the day they either fly or just flap their wings.

    3. Dear Mary in Oregon,
      Every day it is less likely that Clyde contributed his genes to the wild geese gene pool. That has not deterred Clyde from playing the father and protector role.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Sara,
      As it is our geese stay most of the winter. Our pond stays open where the water comes from deep within. It will be interesting to see what happens. Thank you for your visit.

  4. So glad to see you here dear Gina and to have an update on Clyde. He's certainly staying busy and filling his time perhaps being a surrogate dad! So do you mean the Canada goose is his new girl friend and she will stay over winter? Did you not yet get the new white goose to take Lola's place?

    Know you're busy, busy but enjoyed our chat and knowing all is well in your piece of paradise!
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      I canceled the 1-day-old white Emden gosling because I noticed that all of a sudden, Clyde was not calling for Lola any more. He began making moves on a female wild Canadian Goose. He never left her side for over a month and the day the eggs hatched Clyde was right there to gather the goslings under his wings. What will the future bring...I don't know.

  5. Oh poor Clyde, what a good little chap he is but with so little reward - hope the girlfriend stays.
