Friday, October 8, 2021

Autumn Colors

Trees are changing

Maple tree has begun to show color

Fruit has been harvested

Corners are full of surprises

Sky Blue Petunias are still my favorites

Flowers are going to seed. Time to collect them.

Who likes Nasturtiums. 

I move a few pots into the greenhouse for a steady supply of winter bouquets. 

Soon leaves will be bright red. 

Have a great week dear friends.



  1. What a beautiful time of year at your oasis Gina. Last June was our 20 year wedding anniversary, I always love looking at the pictures of our special day that all started at your place.

    Fall is such a wonderful time of year. We grew nasturtiums for the first time this year, and they are now our favorite. Enjoy a warm beverage for me looking over your beautiful place.


  2. Dear Chad, Can it be! Already 20 years ago. I remember it well and I remember the beautiful couple who was being united on a very special day.

  3. Dear Gina - just a few autumn touches in your part of the world too - I think that it will be the end of October here before its full golden glory arrives.
    Lots of pretty colourful touches around in your garden - is that a Morning Glory still flowering behind the pillar?

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Our fall colors are just now showing. It's been a very dry year but the surrounding mountains are ablaze with glowing colors.
      I have several places where I planted Morning Glory seeds. That was many years ago. Now hundreds of seedlings show up every Spring.
      I know that you have been trying to grow them. Is it legal for me to send you seeds?

    2. Dear Gina - that is so kind of you, but I do not know the answer to your question. I suspect that I am not terribly successful with them as they probably prefer hotter more tropical weather than we have.
      I have now just looked up the question on the internet and although I do not completely understand all of the terminology it appears that the answer is no, but thank youX

    3. Dear Rosemary,
      Don't give up. I don't think that the problem is your climate. Our climate is anything but tropical. Our desert climate is a real challenge. Sometimes extremely hot and then very, very cold. I think that if you collected your own seeds (when you are lucky to harvest some) you will have success.
      You can always come for a visit and we can fill your pockets with seeds.

  4. Dear Gina,
    Such lovely light in your photos, golden and warm, that signals autumn! I didn't know that nasturtiums would keep blooming for so long. Next year!

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      Every Fall I move several pots of Annuals into the greenhouse. Nasturtiums and Petunias keep blooming all winter. Between the two I can always count on having flowers throughout the winter months.

  5. Good morning, Gina!

    We're seeing the colors arrive in the various tree species around town, here, too! The rain has arrived about one day per week and late this afternoon, again. Time to finish up all those outside chores before we are inundated with the rain Oregon is famous for. We have to cross our fingers hoping that will be the case. So many of the reservoirs are the lowest in many years. Not as much snow in the mountains and the ski areas are hoping for the best! How nice for you to enjoy nasturtiums and morning glories all year-round with your greenhouse! There is nothing quite like enjoying a bouquet of fresh flowers during the off-season! That is such a tranquil view of your Maple with the mountains in the distance! The grass is still very green, too!

    1. Dear Mary, Finally we also received a little rain. Like you we have had an extra dry year. I was able to connect my watering system to the pond so that I could keep the garden growing. Now I am trying to get everything into the greenhouse. A heavy frost is coming in a few days.

    2. How clever of you, Gina, to utilize the pond for your garden! The weather report shows freezing temperatures in the mountain passes and if I was still a skier, I would be jumping with delight and excitement! The weatherman said only that snow would fall but he couldn't guarantee that it would stick!

      I hope you get everything into your greenhouse before the upcoming frost.

    3. Dear Mary, Everything made it into the greenhouse. I even fell on my face carrying two geranium pots when I stumbled over the hidden garden hose. No harm done but learned a valuable lesson.

  6. Very lovely. I come here now and then to fill my eyes with beauty, and you never disappoint! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Dear Sara,
      I am so pleased to read your lovely comment. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

  7. I don't know how I missed this lovely colorful post dear Gina? The days are heavy with concerns lately and I'm really not at my best. However - seeing how beautiful it is in autumn there at the farm makes me so happy - but of course I also wish I could see it all in person again!
    Love from us both

  8. Dear Mary,
    Do you remember the flock of wild geese that flew right through us as we were walking to your guest cottage? Well, they are back and looking for you. Get better soon.
