Friday, October 15, 2021

My hand painted ceramics

 I paint

More specifically, I hand paint ceramics.

The kind of ceramics which have been painted in Europe for more than 600 years. 

I paint because I have always admired Italian ceramics.

I paint whatever makes me happy.

Lots of tiles for kitchens and fireplaces.  
Tiles I will never see again.

I get to keep the rejects.
They are valuable, but only to me.  
I can learn from them. 

These little jewels I paint just for myself.

I paint a lot of practical ceramics just as long as they are also pretty. 

Some large murals take many weeks to finish.

Flowers and hand painted ceramics are a natural pairing.

An urn elevates and makes everything special. 

New but painted to look old.

A little gold makes it extra special.

A "Tondino"  is a very practical and large dish.  

Bowls are always the first to go.  
So why don't I paint more of them?  

You will see this happy bird all over Italy.

So many tiles I have stopped counting.

Still a favorite.

Frost has come, more time to paint.


  1. You have an unusual skill and talent Gina, I like your art but especially because it works so well on tiles - I would have a whole floor of your tiles in a garden room and only walk bare foot on them :)

    1. Hi Betty,
      Hand painted tiles have been made in many countries. Each country has its own style. Walking bare foot on them is a special treat. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  2. Dear Gina - every image showing your paintings defines your very remarkable talent, but your favourite is mine too. I really love your use of colour and design on that particular dish.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Often I wish that I had kept certain of my ceramic pieces. This particular bowl is one of them. Trying to copy a piece is never successful...too many variables are involved in hand painting.

  3. Dear Gina,
    Your tiles are beautiful, and you are very talented. I love that blue bird!

    1. Dear Lorri,
      I am so pleased that you like my tiles. The blue bird is a regular design in many Italian pieces.

  4. Everything you have shown on this site is fabulously enticing! Your talent is immense and so enjoyable to see! Once in Italy my parents and I stayed in an Albergo just off the autostrada that had just been remodeled with the bathroom completely filled with hand-painted tiles! I was barefoot during the night when I visited the bathroom and I got to walk bare-foot on those tiles -- it was heavenly! Too many favorites but I am partial to the Renaissance Lady you use for your thumbnail! How I would have loved to wear dresses like that and have my hair so fancy!

    1. Dear Mary, Albergos are such a good idea. We have stayed in many of them. I have always enjoyed meeting the owners. My trip to Sicily this October was cancelled. I don't know ifI can wait until next October.

  5. Gina these are all absolutely beautiful. I especially love the urns, such a gorgeous and useful piece. A great way to add some color to any space.

  6. Dear Chad,
    You being a Chef I am not surprised that you like urns. They do "elevate" the most ordinary item. Thank you for your visit and thank you also for your comment.

  7. .....oh yes, you definitely PAINT dear friend, and every piece is awesome and beautiful!
    You were also the best teacher, patient and kind - hope we can do that again some day Gina.

    1. Dear Mary, Of course we are going to paint again. You were an able student.
