Friday, November 5, 2021

It's getting crowded on my Pond

Important decisions are being made. 

Should we fly South or should we fly North. 

Time to make decisions.

(They won't tell me).

Have a great weekend, dear friends. 



  1. It IS crowded on your pond. Have they made their decision yet? I wonder if they will all go at once or in groups? Have a great weekend, Gina.

  2. Dear Lorrie,
    More and more ducks and geese will be joining our initial group. Ducks will stay but geese will eventually leave...usually after the first heavy snow comes our way.

  3. Dear Gina - I quite envy the wild fowl on your pond as they have far more freedom and choices than we do currently.

  4. So true Rosemary, My feathered friends come and go as they please. They happily swim hither and yon, talking all the while unless a stranger shows up. Then they get all upset and give the signal to move out. They circle above the pond until the coast is clear. Then all is peaceful again.

  5. If only...north for snow skiing (I'm getting more conservative, now, and value my limbs!) or south for sunny climes and year-round pickleball? (samples of a possible conversation overheard on your pond, Gina!)

    1. Dear Nary, This is the time of year when Clyde (our lonely domestic goose) is very happy. He swims amongst the many families of geese greeting all. No doubt he remembers the goslings he raised last Spring.

  6. Bob and I loved the pond, there were so many geese and ducks when we visited.
    I especially loved seeing these wonderful water birds at sunset. . . . beautiful memories.
    Love and hugs always. xx

  7. Dear Mary,
    You visited just at the right time to see geese and ducks take over the pond. I will never forget the maneuver they pulled flying right through our little group near the walkway.
