Saturday, October 23, 2021

I can't decide

 I always thought that I like Spring the best.

And then the leaves begin to turn.

And clouds fill the sky.

And soon the snow will cover it all. 

Wishing you health and wealth



  1. Autumn is such a beautiful season where you live. Your photos are gorgeous, Gina. I'm definitely an autumn girl - I find spring too capricious. Autumn feels a little more settled and mellow to me. That said, we're in for a storm tomorrow!
    Enjoy your lovely vistas,

    1. Dear Lorrie, We finally received enough rain to give us hope for next year. The mountains are covered in snow and hopefully, we will get more in the valley soon.

  2. Gina dear - catching up on comments today and seeing these gorgeous colors now around the villa makes Autumn doubly exciting for me and happy for you. Just wish I was there in person!!!! We haven't much color yet due to weather patterns of the previous couple of months, too hot and no rain to speak of.

    Did you return to your last comment on my post about making the squash soup? I did answer it and hope you enjoy making your version.

    Sending love from us both xx

    1. Dear Mary,
      I hope that you are feeling better. I feel so helpless in not being able to help you with any suggestions. I know that your doctors are doing all they can for you.
      I have recently harvested my squash and will be preparing your squash soup. Thank you for sending the recipe.

  3. Your photos of autumn are so lovely.

    1. Hi Angie, Thank you for leaving such a nice comment.

  4. Gina, fall is such a wonderful time of year. I love sitting inside with a warm beverage and watching the leaves fall from the trees. The middle picture facing the pond is beautiful. Fix yourself a warm cider and enjoy. Take care.

    1. Hi Chad,
      Do you remember that tree? It is the place where your life changed. It was a beautiful wedding.

    2. I absolutely do. I have many pictures of our wedding day under that tree, although it has sure grown some since then.

  5. Dear Chad,
    Because I see the tree every day I didn't realize that it had grown so much. We have always called it the Picnic Tree.

  6. Dear Gina - your trees are extremely pretty in their autumn colours, ours have yet to turn. Everyone has noticed how late they are this year.
    I do love autumn but have to admit to a preference for Spring. I like the thought that the summer then follows on whereas autumn is followed by winter.

  7. Dear Rosemary,
    Could not have said it better. I was surprised to see so much color this Fall. We had so little rain Maybe pumping out of the pond made a difference.
