Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year 2022

Happy New Year 

Wishing you and all your family a better and healthier 

New Year. 



  1. Happy New Year to you, dear Gina. May 2022 bring you much joy and health.


    1. Dear Lorrie,
      Could not have said it better. I wish you and your family nothing but the very Best.

  2. My preparations will be starting soon to create some New Year's cards for my friends. The quote I have found will work for you, as well: "I only drink champagne on 2 occasions. When I am in love and when not." Enjoy 2022, and we can only hope our wishes will be granted!


    1. dear Mary,
      I accept the challenge. I wish you health and happiness for the coming year and champagne is always on ice at this house.

  3. Dear Gina - I wish you good health and lots of happiness for 2022, and let's hope that we get this virus completely under our control.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Thank You for your friendship. Here, the air is crisp and clear. Why not plan a visit to this part of the world. I wish you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year. Everything else does not matter.

  4. That's just a delightful scene Gina - and I've seen you've had snow in Spring City recently!
    Wishing you many wonderful happy days this new year - and hope you, like us, can get back to Europe later.
    Take good care of yourself, hope Sadie is behaving, and all is peaceful at Villa Vista - one of my personal favorite spots on earth!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR very dear friend.
    Mary & Bob XX

    1. Dear Mary,
      Yes we had snow and lots of it and more coming this afternoon. It pays to have good friends with large snow removal equipment. Half of the town showed up to help. Sadie is a wonderful companion. She still knocks me over now and then because she is so happy. Falling into all this snow doesn't hurt.
      I wish you and Bob a very Happy New Year.
