Thursday, January 6, 2022

No, No and No

I am not making New Year Resolutions. 

I'm just happy to be alive

And happy to play in the new snow.

And happy that more snow is coming. 

Wishing you health and happiness,


  1. Yes, you certainly have had a good amount, perhaps more help from your good neighbors will be required yet again! So glad they are there for you Gina - continue being cautious falling, even in the snow, with Ms. Sadie getting boisterous when excited!!!!
    No resolutions for me either - therefore no breaking them and causing myself even more angst - just plans which hopefully can be fulfilled later this year.
    Love and hugs - Bob's outside blowing leaves again, no snow shoveling so far this winter.

    1. Dear Mary,
      I hope that you can report good results from your doctor visit. I have heard that injections help most of the time and I hope that will be so in your case.

  2. How pretty your home looks in the snow. No resolutions here, either. We've had an unusual amount of snow this winter, and I do enjoy it. Now it's raining and the snow is melting quickly. Stay cozy!

    1. Dear Lorrie, You are so lucky to receive so much moisture. We are still short in this area. We have had too many years of little moisture.

  3. Dear Gina - your snow looks like a fairytale, do take care, but enjoy its beauty.
    How strange and fickle the weather is these days, we have just had the mildest Christmas and New Year on record.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Sometimes I wonder if weather has always been different than what we expect or what we have been used to in the past. The Media always reports the unusual...maybe it is not so unusual, except, of course, record breaking conditions and temperatures seem to occur more often.

  4. Good for you! After all, 'Man plans and God laughs', as they say.

    1. Hi Duta and welcome. That IS a wonderful saying. May I borrow it?

  5. Your new year's resolution is to make no resolutions! lol: Happy New Year to you. We have no snow in my part of the UK and although I would love some, I am grateful our roads are clear and ice free. Stay safe :)

    1. Hi Betty, Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Yes, snow and ice can be treacherous. And then there are the times when a beautiful blanket of snow covers everything and it looks like a winter wonderland.

  6. Such beautiful pictures you've shared Gina! And the snow is just gorgeous, lovely photos! No resolutions here either... and indeed a grateful heart to be alive :) Many blessings to you in this new year!

  7. Hello Marilyn, I'm so glad that you stopped by. I wish you and yours a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

  8. Snow is magical and I do love to play in it, too! I also enjoy being forced to stay inside and create!
    Enjoy it and as you said, you need the moisture as we do here in Oregon, as well!
    (Although, our snow has gone and we were up in the low 50's for a few days!)

    No resolutions for me, either! Life is Good!

  9. Dear Mary,
    A kindred spirit. Thank You.
